Chapter 5: Nox Spira

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Nyleiah woke up with a start, perspiration glistening on her skin.

What was that? She thought, bringing a hand to her forehead.

She sat up, trying to calm herself down.

It was just a dream. It won't come true, Nyleiah reassured herself.

Though she was trying to stay positive, a little corner of her mind whispered:

I hope.


Since she was so rudely woken up by the nightmare, Nyleiah wasn't able to fall back asleep.

She'd been up for a while now, having showered and gotten ready for the day. Now she was warming herself up by stretching and doing a few light exercises.

About time we left, Nyleiah realized. I better go make sure Barry is awake.

Once she got there, Nyleiah cracked the door open, peeking inside. Barry was standing next to the bed, slinging a travel bag over his shoulder.

He looked over, a smile flashing across his face, "Mornin' Nyleiah!"

She smiled back, "Good morning."

"Are you about ready to go?" She asked.

He gave her a thumbs up, "Yup! Can't wait!"

"Great," she waved, heading down the hall, "I'm going to go check on Hali and Whistle. I'll meet you at Headquarters, the others should also be there."

"You got it!" His voice faded as Nyleiah walked further down the hall.


"Nnnngggggh.." Hali stretched his arms over his head as he walked next to Nyleiah.

"Why'd we have to wake up so early for this?" He complained, "I hardly got any shut eye."

The group had met up at the Headquarters and set out shortly after. Their goal was to stop monsters from terrorizing a trade route, which is where they were heading to right now.

Nyleiah suppressed a yawn and focused ahead.

"Saaame dude," Fynn agreed from behind her.

"I couldn't sleep either," Whistled chimed, "I had a nightmare."

"Wait seriously?" Hali whipped his head over to look at them, "So did I!"

Apparently, they had all had nightmares. Nyleiah was debating whether or not to share that she had one as well. She didn't want her comrades to look down on her, since she did have a reputation to withhold.

"What about you, Nyleiah?" Hali asked.

My friends wouldn't do that. There's no harm in sharing.

She looked down, "I did, actually."

"That's such a weird coincidence," Remoa piped in, "I can't believe all of us had nightmares!"

Nyleiah nodded, biting her lip. "I'm afraid it was a mistake talking to that mysterious green flame."
"It knows who I am now, and where I live. I don't want my villagers to find themselves in trouble because of me."

Silence fell for a moment, and they all recalled when, a few days ago, the fire from the pit turned green and an unknown presence appeared. They had voted for Nyleiah to speak to it, since she was used to deliberating with others due to her running a village. She had shared personal information in order to protect her friends, and now it was coming back to bite her.

"Even if that does happen," Fynn walked up, putting a reassuring arm around her shoulder, "We'll be there to lend a helping hand!"

"Darn right we will," Barry affirmed.

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