Chapter 2: The Hole

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Nyleiah swung the satchel over the horse. She secured it, double checking it wouldn't fall off. She patted the horse, its fur soft to the touch. They were getting ready. Ready to embark, and go out on an adventure.

She grabbed the reins and led it over to where the group was gathering.

"Is everyone ready?" She asked.

They all bobbed their heads yes, muttering words of affirmation.

"Alright then," she responded, "Then let's head out."

Leaving the village, they headed North. Their goal, though not a set one, was to go up to the capital, and explore there. They were hoping to go on some quests, sharpen their skills, and maybe even earn a little money along the way.

As they walked, they put together a rough formation. Hali and Remoa in front, Nyleiah and Barry in the middle, Whistle and Fynn in the back. The horses were also behind them, getting led by the two in back.

Nyleiah made light conversation with Barry as they crossed different terrains. Before she knew it, night had fallen.

As she looked over her shoulder, she noticed Whistle and Fynn looking worn-out. By the way they walked, the ones in front of them seemed pretty tired as well. Taking in the condition of her teammates, Nyleiah made the executive decision to stop for the night.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting kind of tired. How about we set up camp?"

The others drowsily agreed, nodding their heads and moving to get the tents set up. Nyleiah assisted, although she wasn't even going to sleep in one of them.

Being an elf, Nyleiah didn't require sleep. All she needed was to meditate for a few hours in order to replenish her energy. Luckily, there was a perfect boulder just a ways out by the tents she could situate herself on.

Nyleiah fixed up the tent, having now finished building it with Whistle.

"I'll take the first watch."

She looked up at Fynn, who had volunteered.

"Anyone else want to join me?" He asked.

"I will," Hali replied, heading towards him.

As the night watch set themselves up, Nyleiah headed to the boulder. She climbed up, feeling the smooth, flat surface of the rock face. She settled into a criss-crossed position, resting her arms on her legs, hands in gyan mudra.

Nyleiah took a calming deep breath, and closed her eyes.

Instantly, she was transported into her own little world.

Nyleiah found herself in a quiet meadow. The wind blew through her hair, and the birds were chirping. She was lying down on the grass, it gently tickling her skin. She looked up at the clear blue sky, a few clouds drifting here and there.

Nyleiah was at peace. She lay there, completely relaxed, for what felt like many a day.

"Goblins!" Someone shrieked, seemingly far away, "Goblin attack!"

As if awoken sharply from a dream, Nyleiah came back to reality. Her eyes opened, and she bore witness to chaos ensuing.

A warm glow and the smell of smoke. In her gaze stood a raging fire, attempting to consume all around it.

The tents are ablaze! She panicked. Is anyone inside? I sure hope not.

The sound of heavy footsteps approached her.

A goblin, about half her size, was trying to sneak up from behind the bushes.

I'll take care of this guy, she thought, still worried about the fire.

Moonlit AdventuresOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz