Chapter 6: The Harvest Festival

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"Oh no. We're in big trouble.."

Nyleiah and her friends had made it back, and they each earned 75 gold for their hard work. After they reported to Headquarters they ran into Vivian, head rune knight, and told her about the fight and the runes the noxlins left behind. At present, Vivian had a worried look on her face as she told them those words.

"If I might inquire, what do you mean by that?" Nyleiah questioned their superior.

Vivian shook her head, sucking any shred of doubt out of her expression. "Don't worry about it, I'll handle it."

"Anyway, you kids better skedaddle. I have work to do."

And with that, Head Knight Vivian effectively kicked them out of Headquarters.

The group was left baffled after the encounter. They were more confused than when they first talked to her.

"What the heck was that?" Barry complained, "She coulda at least given us a straight answer!"

Nyleiah sighed. "If she doesn't want to tell us, it's within her right to not say anything. She has no obligation to give us the answers we desire."

Her friends groaned, but agreed with Nyleiah nonetheless. It really wasn't their place to pry, though if it was something too serious, then that would be a problem.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Remoa pointed out, directing their attention to a crowd of people hurrying in a panic. The citizens seemed to be preparing for something, though none of them knew of what the problem was.

In the mob of people, Nyleiah spotted a familiar face near the edge. She walked up to the woman in question, to whom which saw Nyleiah and waved.

"Excuse me ma'am, wonderful seeing you again, but may I ask a quick question?"

"Of course you can, dear. Ask away," the woman replied with a smile.

"Why might the fine citizens of this town be panicking? Surely nothing has happened?" Nyleiah inquired.

A somber look fell across her face. "It's the clouds. There's darkness on the horizon, and the people are afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"Long ago, an ancient tablet was discovered with markings revealing an invasion, to which countless lives were lost, and many livelihoods destroyed. The sign of the attack then was the same as today. We fear that another invasion will come, and will spare no man, woman, elf or halfling."

"Anyway I must go. Gotta stock up on that T.P!!!" Her voice faded as she dashed off into the distance, desperate for even a few rolls of toilet paper.

The group stood there in the streets as they took in the information they were given. An invasion was coming, and the capital was preparing for it. Nyleiah wondered if this was the trouble Vivian alluded to.

A man ran past them, holding three barrels of what was assumed to be beer. He seemed to be in a hurry.

A guard chased after him. "Get back here!" He yelled.

Nyleiah looked over to see Whistle raise their wand and draw a spell in the air. Magic missile appeared and flew through the air, aiming for the man. Whistle stumbled, and the missiles changed course. Instead of hitting the smuggler like planned they smashed into the barrels of beer. It spilled everywhere, the wood splintering onto the ground. The man fell down and hit his head on the pavement. The guard caught up and restrained him.

"Whistle?!" Hali muttered in surprise. "What was that for?" He asked, grabbing their shoulder and turning them towards him.

A depressed look was on their face. They slouched over, burying their face in their claws.

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