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            Our goal, if you want no part in this, is to leave the false creation and journey into the real world. Gnosticism is about liberation. What is considered "Heaven" is a conscious faculty of seeing, hearing, and comprehension.     
              You have the power to reshape your reality. However, ignorance is not bliss; it is a conscious or unconscious choice to deny the reality of our world, to deny information such as this. But to not be victim to such parasitic manipulation, one must be aware of them and understand what attracts them.
              They feed on the energy and negative actions of human beings. In addition, it is essential to know that they enter the mind through excessive abuse of the pleasures of the material world; in other words, through greed, lust, drug addiction, alcoholism, selfishness, narcissism, vanity, etc...
             I'm not saying one should avoid the pleasures of this world. The Divine wants you to live a life full of pleasure and joy. It is when you cross the line from use to abuse, or start living for only yourself, losing all empathy, that you attract these Archontic parasites.

To be continued...

Unseen Parasites of the MindΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα