Ch. 1: Physical World

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Within the collective belief of western society, the difference between what we perceive to be reality and what we see as art, film, and literature is vast. The truth is that the line of separation is nearly nonexistent. Most people roll their eyes and scoff at such a concept, but it's no different than re-emerging New Age beliefs such as the law of attraction, manifestation, a lot Better nd predictive programming.
For instance, we know that everything in our material world is made up of atoms that vibrate rapidly at certain frequencies and when grouped appear physical. Their electromagnetic properties connect with the electrical impulses that flow throughout our nervous system and up into the neurological.
Our thoughts work in the same manner with electrical impulses affecting our entire body. For example, when we feel stressed, our thinking tends to be quite negative, which gives us feelings of unease. If we continue to be stressed without doing anything about it, our bodies can become sick as a result, causing disease (or dis-ease). This explains how people who have an optimistic state of mind are typically very healthy individuals. Their positive thoughts or electrical impulses also attract other similar electromagnetic impulses from outside the body.
Our bodies act like tuning forks, where if someone who puts out a stronger frequency or vibration is near us, we can not only feel it but become influenced by it and begin to vibrate at the same frequency. In other words, energy flows where the attention goes. So what would happen if a large number of people began focusing on the same thing?
Albert Einstein said our thoughts and imagination are "previews for life's coming attractions." We manifest our reality from our thoughts and our inner core beliefs. So, if your inner core beliefs are not aligned with what you're focusing on, the reality you manifest will likely not be in your favor. It's all theory and no action, all talk and no walk, or writing checks your broke ass can't cash. It's an unbalanced way of living that begins in the mind with each thought.
When a collective has a similar unbalance, the physical results can be quite alarming. For example, look at our world today. With recent traumatic events such as 9/11, the economic crisis of 2008, and everything consequential to the pandemic, as well as the genetic memories of past historic events, our collective has an overwhelming amount of suppressed trauma. That suppression has manifested itself into a collective shadow that has infiltrated our reality.
What we've been taught and led to believe is that outer space is infinite and consists of many galaxies and systems, so it is considered ignorant and a little arrogant to believe we are the only intelligent life forms.

Unseen Parasites of the Mindحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن