Vile Rape of Mankind

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      We humans have been conditioned to think retroactively when it comes to such things. Thanks to technocratic globalists, who own and finance corporations, the media, educational systems, and such, science has been forced down our throats to the point where we believe it as absolute fact, despite seeing its many holes and contradictions. Most people still live by the false notion of "seeing is believing," where if we can't experience it with our limited senses, it can't be real. Such people seem to forget or simply neglect things such as radio waves and wifi.
        We can only see the visible light spectrum which is a tiny percentage of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. We can see and perceive each other because the atoms that make up each of us vibrate at similar frequencies within the visible light spectrum. Who's to say there aren't other beings that vibrate at much faster or lower frequencies? Imagine a ceiling fan. When it is moving slowly, we can see each blade, but the faster it gets, the more invisible the blades become. This is essentially how energy, meaning frequencies within the electromagnetic spectrum work. Could there be other entities around us that we simply cannot perceive? It is likely.
            Now, what if, instead of this parasitic creature feeding on the physical body of its host, it fed on negative human emotion—negative energies such as anger, guilt, jealousy, depression, frustration, anxiety, and most of all, fear—and once these emotions have become so intense for so long, the parasite has full possession of its host (you). As a result of this possession, the host, you, is no longer in control, while the parasite leads you to become homeless, diagnosed as schizophrenic or mentally ill, committed indefinitely to a psych ward, or even lead to suicide. In other words, a vile rape of the human mind.

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