Chapter 25

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A real good love story isn't about brokenness. But it's full of healing and redemption. ~Soulscripts

▫️Yumna Ali▫️

I side glanced at Hayder who was squirming tensely in his seat.

"Hayder, it seems like you've gotten a bug or worm inside your heinie. Stop wriggling so much." I said with raised brows. He just scoffed lightly before chuckling.

"You have no idea. Do you?" He questioned. "They both hate me and I know very well that what kind of cruel words will be thrown my way." He continued.

"Oh come on." I groaned trying to dismiss the topic. This was his nth time whining.

"Okay, not my dad. But, Malak hates my guts. She abhors me. I know that if dad has invited us then surely she will also be present there."

Hayder's father had called last night. He wanted to meet us both and had invited us to his mansion. I sat on the swinging bed watching my husband walking back and forth our hotel room with phone near his ear. He was trying so hard reasoning and bringing all kinds of silly causes to avoid the diner his father had planned. He had this annoying look on his face all the time. I wondered if they both didn't go well with each other. Come to think of it, he didn't introduce me to anybody as his father in our wedding. Did their personalities clash?

And, after twenty minutes or so, he plopped on the bed frowning. His shoulders slumped in defeat as he disconnected the call agreeing with his father. Hayder was stubborn, but his father seemed more.

So here we are, travelling to London.

"Do you hate her too?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Who? Malak?" He asked to which I nodded my head. "No, no. I would never." He rushed his words. He loudly sighed and closed his eyes, leaning his head on the seat.

"Hayder." He instantly looked at me as soon as I kept my hand on his. "I don't know what happened between you guys. But trust me, everything will be alright." I didn't know what to say but I tried.

He smiled and nodded his head. He held my hand in his and I didn't complain. I wanted him to calm down. Truth to be told, I wanted to feel his warmth too. His smile grew more when I interlocked my fingers in his. I was flushing and embarrassed to say anything so I just turned my head toward the blue sky we were floating on.

I recalled our two-week honeymoon trip. It was.. magnificent, amazing, out of the world. I loved, savored and relished the whole trip. Let me tell you that it was nothing honeymoon-ey. Rather, we both enjoyed it as two normally close people without being awkward or uncomfortable with each other. It was like we were back in our old days.

We spent our first week in Bora Bora where I had to do everything by myself as Hayder was occupied in his Macbook. That wacko had reserved the whole island surrounded by coral reefs and white sand for ourselves just so I could walk around comfortably without my hijab. All the other staffs were women which made it easier. The gentleman even stayed in different room. I didn't give it much thought as I was busy in being excited for admiring the eccentric beauty of Mount Okemanu, the serene purple-blue hues sunset, the crystal clear and blue beach which I stayed in like a fish for almost 24/7. I even made some friends in there.

Hayder finally gave up on his MacBook after two days and accompanied me. We laughed at every silly things, walked around the island watching the sunsets in awe, swam together, went hiking and he took a million pictures of mine. The hot-headed Hayder was nowhere to be seen. I loved every moment with him.

We landed in Fiji for our second week. We did zip-lines and scuba dived a lot when he came to know how much I loved underwater. I always wanted to become a marine biologist but became a human biologist anyway. Third week was supposed to be spent in Bali if Hayder's father hadn't called.

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