Chapter 5

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Before you guys criticise or judge Yumna let me tell you that she's not a perfect Muslimah and yes she makes mistakes. Everybody does.

You've to just accept the flaws of the people.

So NO HATE towards Yumna please.
Now you guys can enjoy the story.😙


▫️Yumna Ali▫️

"While your mixer is on high speed, slowly sprinkle all the sugar and avoid adding it at once." instructed Mrs.Owens, the bakery owner.

She's teaching me how to make Macarons. And believe me she was never this terrifying.

Mrs.Owens is a round little lady aged 55 and a sweetheart. Like I said she owns this bakery with her husband. They're a lovely couple but unfortunately they don't have any children.

"Add 2 tbsp of essence." she commanded in a strict tone. Gone was the angelic woman.

She detests it when somebody gets wrong with the ingredients and stuff in baking. But I didn't even made any mistake for Allah's sake.
I'm just adding and doing whatever she's telling me to.

Mrs.Owens is trying to be polite but her face gives it all away.

I thought that my co-workers were joking when they shared their own experiences with Mrs.Owens teaching them. I even laughed on Elise for giving me that sympathetic look.
Serves me right!

Finally the macarons were ready and I think it has turned out pretty good for my first time. Took me 4 bloody hours.

"The hell wrong with this? Why is it leaving a bad metallic aftertaste? I told you to put only 1/2 tbsp essence. Did you drop whole bottle? And what's with the texture? Why are the shells so flat?" Mrs.Owens yelled after tasting the Macarons.

I swear I heard it 2 tbsp. And it was kind of okay in tasting too. Why's she making such a big deal?

"Ma'am I added just 2 tbsp of vanilla essence as you said and I don't think it leaves such bad aftertaste. Plus we add much more essence in our other cakes and pastries than this." I said calmly.

"So you're telling me that what you did was right? And you're teaching me my own recipe?" She was fuming now.

"Honey, she's a newbie. Go easy on her." Her Husband, Mr.Owens interrupted.

"Newbie? She's working from more than a month now. And how dare she teach me my own recipe."

"Ma'am I apologise. I'll make it again if you want." I said. Her face softened a bit.

"It's alright Dear, your shift is almost over. You can go home now." Mr.Owens said sweetly. Truly a patient husband.

"Okay sir and ma'am I'm sorry again. I'll do my best tomorrow." I said and went to the faculty lounge to take my things.

Such a tiring day. Sighs

"Hey Ali, Are you done for today?" It was Jack my co worker. He calls me Ali unlike others.

"Jack. Yeah I'm done for today and it was a backbreaking day." I said.

"Oh I'm so sorry. Guess now you'll believe what we say." he chuckled.

"Yeah! Stupid me." I giggled.

"Well Ali, would you like to have diner with me tomorrow?" he asked scratching his neck.

"Jack you know that it's not.."

"Okay! I know you won't make it again. But, you can grab a coffee on the way right?" He interrupted me.

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