I don't want to sit here, I thought. But there's not much I can do. They don't have any hiding spots and calling the cops isn't the right thing right now. Guess I don't have any other choice.

Though I was still pissed that I couldn't do anything, I decided to try to watch TV to try to calm myself down, but after some action scenes I realized it was pointless. Every little thing reminded me about how Allie stormed off or how I couldn't get a hold of mom, and the trouble they could be in. Eventually when it was late in the night, they walked in through the door.

"Lilly, I was wondering when you'd be home," said mom.

"Where were you two? I tried calling but there was no answer and - "

"Allie came home and wanted to talk, and I thought we could go out and I could listen to her." she cut me off. That was like a big slap in the face. So now she was playing the therapy game? "You two fighting?"

I glared at my red head 'sister;, wondering if the demon would show.

"Boy issues. On the date she got mad because I was talking to her date more." I lied, trying not to show any emotion,

"Oh, if it's something that silly then it can be talked out."

If only you knew. "Tried it. She won't listen to anything I have to say."

"Hey, you two can work it out. You always do. Lilly, you want me to make you dinner?" asked my mom.

"I already ate," I mumbled, going upstairs.

"She's jealous," I heard Allie whisper.


My hand didn't register the pain from punching a hole in the wall, or the slivers of wood that went flying. All I knew was the game of who could be the bigger bitch, she was getting closer and closer to her funeral. I felt something change as the demon spoke up.

If you hater her, all it takes is an 'accidental' swipe for it to be over, he taunted.

Shut up and go away. She's being a snob and looking at a few years of therapy after I'm done with her.

That's it, give in.

Before I could focus on what he was saying, I ran upstairs, slammed my door shut and locked it before sitting at the computer, feeling searing rage as I thought about what happened over the last few days. Just because the basics of me getting the short end of the stick is gone over, she could be a bitch about it.

We transformed and had fun until l lost control of and let the demon take over, hurting Roy in the process. We went at it and hurt each other, and when father tried to help us, she got pissy and wouldn't listen to it being explained in a more simple way. All her fault.

A sudden wave of exhausted washed over me and I decided to go to bed, even though I was afraid of seeing the demon again. I didn't put too much thought into it as I covered up and starred at the darkness of my room until I was sound asleep.

~ ~ ~

At school, Allie and I wouldn't talk at all, even if Alec and Roy showed up. Things with Chelsea got worse too. She got the idea that picking on us one at a time and spreading rumours about how we pushed her Friday night was a good idea. Of course most people believed her, and we kept getting nasty looks from everyone in the halls. If only I could hurt her without regret.

Over the next few days, the routine was go to school, do the work and go to the park after school for a while before heading home. The four of us would be around each other, but I wouldn't speak to Allie, and all she could do was give me dirty looks as if too say, 'you traitor' and ignored me. Mom noticed but didn't get involved, knowing it would be bad if she did.

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