𝑫𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝑺𝒉𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕

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TW: There is a brief mention of SA in this scenario, no detail or anything on Midari's part but just a brief mention. But if you are still uncomfortable with the mention then please read with caution or skip <3
1168 words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If you had to choose your favorite characteristic of Midari Ikishima, it would be her amber golden eyes. They were more stunning than any jewel known to man and just looking at them could put you into a trance. To your disappointment, those gorgeous eyes of hers were hidden from sight from you. Everything you grew to love about her was gone. With her back turned to you and not a single word falling from her mouth, it was obvious something was wrong.

It may have been your first time ever seeing her in person, but it didn't excuse the fact that her personality seemed to have switched off since the last time you spoke with her on the messenger. She was always so outgoing, goofy and when she wanted to be, extremely flirty. Now? Now she refused to even look at you let alone talk to you.

Your heart nearly soared out of your chest when you found out that she was rushing over to where you were in Mary Saotome's apartment to make sure you were alright after Jun Kiwatari and his friends had attempted to violate you behind school grounds. In only the few days you've known this dark- haired woman, your feelings for her grew to be much stronger than you would've ever expected. Various fantasies flooded your mind all depicting the infamous Midari Ikishima coming to your rescue. She'd sweep you off your feet and place a kiss on your lips. As usual, reality ruined your fantasy.

From the moment she arrived, it was obvious that she was acting differently. Her face was stern and he didn't even say one word when Mary opened the door. She merely shoved past the blonde woman and took a seat facing away from you. And as annoyed as Mary was about her rude entrance, she decided to go to her bedroom to give you two some much needed space.

The first woman to ever show her true feelings for you had shut you out and to be honest, you had no idea how to react to that. Shocked? Maybe a little bit. Saddened? Oh, most definitely. It was like a knife through your heart. Words may never be able to hurt someone, but a lack of them certainly can.

"Hey, Midari...?" you called hesitantly from over where you sat. "You haven't really said anything since you arrived. Are you okay?"

"Busy," was all she mumbled in reply.

Craning your neck to look past her, she didn't seem to have anything in her hands - not even her phone. She was staring at the wall intently, seemingly lost in thought. It was only then that you realized something about her that never previously before you did. Even when she was acting like her normal, goofy self, she was a closed book. Her true emotions were locked inside that body of hers that only she held the key to.

"Busy with what?" you asked, hoping to pry more answers out of her, but she didn't even bother to reply that time.

Since she arrived, you were able to bottle up your emotions and maintain your usual calm composure, but every bottle breaks at some point. The fact that she refused to even talk to you tipped you over the edge. Without warning, those bottled up emotions shattered and sent a stream of tears cascading down your cheeks. They were loud, breathtaking sobs that left you gasping for air every few seconds. You couldn't even remember the last time that you had cried this much.

Midari's shoulders stiffened noticeably when you first started to cry, but it wasn't until it sounded like you were choking that she dared to turn around. Her once stern looking face drastically softened when her eyes landed on you. A look of guilt was clearly written on her face.

"What's wrong?" She asked frantically as she shot out of her seat and moved to where you were.

You opened your mouth to reply, but only involuntary gasps escaped it. It seemed nearly impossible to form coherent words.

"Please calm down. Why are you so upset?'

"J-joining Hyakkaou Academy... has been hard for me. Being trapped... in this house pet tag has b-been hard. I can't s-see my friends or f-family and the one person who's been m-making this worth it is suddenly shutting me out."

The look of shock that appeared on her face quickly subsided to be replaced with one of regret. Wrapping her arms around your trembling body, she started to wipe your puffy eyes with her thumb. You leaned into her, not afraid to accept this newfound comfort.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I didn't know you cared so much, but... you shouldn't. I don't want anything to happen to you because you decided to care about me," she said after she moved her hand away from your face and started stroking your hair lightly.

"But I want to care about you."
"But you can't. And you shouldn't"

"I can't help my feelings for you, Midari," You cried, cupping her face in your hands. "No matter how many times you tell me not to care for you, it's not going to change anything. Please don't try to push me away."

She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it. She looked troubled by what you said and you feared what she would tell you. To your surprise, instead of saying anything, she pressed her lips against yours. The kiss was soft - almost as if she was hesitant to do it, but once you kissed her back, all hesitation was lost. As she tangled her fingers into your hair, she pushed you even closer to her and deepened the kiss.

Her tongue slid delicately over your lip before she plunged it into your mouth causing a muffled gasp to escape your throat. That inner switch of her was finally turned on and she didn't waste a single moment she had to take advantage of it. Her fingers tugged at your hair as her mouth continued to unrelentingly move against yours. It wasn't until the both of you pulled away for air that she stopped, visibly pleased with what she accomplished. You, on the other hand, has such a wide grin plastered to your face. The fantasies you always dreamed about were finally coming true.
"Please... Don't shut me out again. Don't stop caring about me," you whispered breathlessly.

She slowly brought her hand up to your cheek and smiled. A look of pure joy was written all over her face. It wasn't a look that you had ever seen on her before.

"I couldn't stop caring about you even if I wanted to, Y/N."

☠︎︎𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒊 𝑰𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒂 𝑿 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑯𝑪☠︎︎Where stories live. Discover now