I hear the sound of a twig snapping and I turn to see a couple of walkers stumbling towards us.

"Alright everyone in formation, let's do this quickly and make it back to the others." Rick commands.

I aim my crossbow and release an arrow, quickly putting another in its place. Abraham takes one down with the butt of his gun and Carl with his knife. Rick rushes forward and takes down the last one, it falling to a heap on the ground.

"Let's keep moving."

We walk as quickly and quietly as possible through the woods, making sure that we don't draw noise to ourselves. Cat tries as hard as she can to keep Amelia quiet but the baby is hungry, wanting to be fed. Along our way more walkers come and we take them down, making sure they get nowhere near Cat and the baby. After what feels like hours, we make it the store where the others are.

"What the hell took you guys so long?" Tara asks as the group turns to see us.

The all freeze with large smiles as their eyes land on Cat and Amelia, "We had a little detour." Abraham jokes.

Amelia is still crying in Cat's arms and she turns to everyone, "I'll introduce you all later, but I gotta feed her first."

Everyone nods as Cat walks over to a bench and begins to feed Amelia. I walk over and take a seat next to her, an ever present smile on my face.

"She's perfect." She whispers, her eyes locked on our baby.

"Yeah, she is." I say.

Someone clears their throat and I look up and see Maggie and Glenn there, with little Beth in his arms.
"Sorry to interrupt but Maggie couldn't wait." Glenn says.

She smacks him on the arm, "You couldn't either."

I chuckle and I stand up, "This is Amelia."

Maggie's face lights up in excitement while Glenn gives us a big smile, "That's a good name."

"She's so tiny." Maggie says, taking a seat beside Cat.

"Didn't feel like it." Cat murmurs and we all chuckle.

"I felt the same way with Beth. She's gorgeous." Maggie says, running a finger down Amelia's face.

"I know." Cat says, tears in her eyes.

"You need some sleep." Glenn comments.

Cat wipes her eyes, "I know but there isn't exactly a bed around here is there?"

"Yeah, Rick's talking about that now. He says he thinks we should bunker down her for the night. Get some more supplies and come up with a plan." Glenn explains.

"Sounds good to me." I say, my eyes not off my girls.


I turn and see Rick looking at me, his jaw hard set. I glance back at my girls before walking towards him, "Yeah."

"Can we talk?" He asks, his tone strained.

I nod and we walk away from the others, "About what happened in the woods-" I begin.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about." He says, stopping by the edge of the store.

He turns and looks at me, "I know that things haven't been great between us in a long time and we both know the reason for that."

We both turn and look over to Cat, who has Tara, Rosita and Noah around her now, Carol not too far behind. I turn back and look at Rick and he continues, "I'm sorry. I know that I've been acting out of line, but that's only because I care about her so much. I'd never let anything happen to her and I'm only now just realising that neither would you."

He squares his shoulders, "We are in love with the same woman, the difference is... She only loves one of us back. And it isn't me."

I remain quiet and feel the anger begin to bubble in me at his words, but I hold it back. It's true, no matter how many times I try to see it another way. Cat chose me, she wants me.

"What I'm trying to say is, I'll back off. It's not my place to step in." He states.

I uncross my arms, "I appreciate that. I realise that lately I haven't been the best husband but I'm back now and I'm not going anywhere. They are my girls and I'll never let anything happen to them."

"About before, what I said in the forest. That was low of me man. I was so angry and I just wanted to find a way to make you feel as bad as I did. I shouldn't have said it." I apologise.

Rick nods, "Thanks."

We stand there, the tension somewhat less than before. I know that Rick and I won't be back to normal, but at least this is a step there. I turn to leave when Rick says on last thing.

"Just remember Daryl. If she ever changes her mind, I'm not gonna hesitate."

I look over my shoulder at him, "Good luck with that."

New Beginnings (Sequel to 'Torn Apart')Where stories live. Discover now