Hunting palisman and Mystic Warrior

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They are, The Foot Clan

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They are, The Foot Clan.

Two of the figures are Lutin and Brutus, the main leaders of the Foot Clan. The third figure is a teenage witch girl with black hair styled in a buzz cut, black eyes, light skin, and a lean figure. She wears a black sleeveless jumpsuit with red wraps around her neck, calves, arms, and a red sash around her waist. She wears a red face mask. She also wears matte black lipstick, red eyeliner, and two red piercings on her left ear.

Her name is Cassandra.

Lutin: Foot Clan! We have word that the all powerful Master Shredder has returned to us! We've grown over the many years, praying and worshipping the most powerful of all of us to return and lead us to victory, and get back what we rightfully deserve!

The foot clan cheer for him. Lutin and Brutus turn to Cassandra.

Lutin: Cassandra, you have shown great skill as a new recruit to the Foot Clan. For your final test, we ask of you to do the impossible.

Cassandra: *Bows* Excellent. *Kicks up a rock* What enemy of our clan am I, *Punches the rock to dust with construction magic* to crush between my fists?!

She holds her fist up to them with intensity with a just as intense scowl as lighting struck.

She holds her fist up to them with intensity with a just as intense scowl as lighting struck

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Brutus: *Unsettly holds his hands up* No crushing. In the Human Realm, there was one of the greatest ninja warriors to have ever lived. Your mission is to achieve a mysterious artifact that was said to be in the possession of Lou Jitsu. The Humans create motion pictures and worship his magnificent martail arts.

Lutin: *Pumps his fists in the air* Oh, he was the best!

Brutus: Oh yeah! Jitsu for justice that's my favorite. *Holds his hands together* It was the movie that got me interested in crime.

Lutin: *Holds up a Lou Jitsu DVD disc* Ooh and Punch Chowder, he defeats an entire organized crime mob using clam shells as his only weapons.

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