[Chapter 1] - we've waited so damn long, we're sick and tired

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[Chapter 1] - we've waited so damn long, we're sick and tired

It is Reading Leeds Festival 2022. And the three day event announced Panic! at the Disco and other top-charted bands to feature as headliners alongside other lineups. The band returns from their hiatus much like their associate, My Chemical Romance. However, this is Panic's first full appearance in four years.

After the countless hour drive from expressway to equipment pickup, the tour bus arrives at its destination. There's already swarms of fans inside the fence gate.  From local food trucks to merchandise of artists, it already feels hectic. Eventually, the whole crew situates after parking but decides to spend their leisurely time sleeping or resting before their schedule. Despite that, Brendon cannot shake the feeling of performing today. He certainly could not find any sense of ease at all.
He departures the bus and stretches his stiffed muscles once he reaches the outdoors.

"Ah, Leeds. The smell of human sweat and dehydration," he says to himself with a smile.

Instead of exploring around the festival he feels rather uncomfortable mingling this time and decides to visit a quieter space, the press and artist building. Walking around the small hallways, he reaches a corner and bumps into a familiar face.

Dallon Weekes.

"Crap, sorry. I didn't mean to crash into- Brendon?" he is in disbelief he is actually there.

Just finishing up an interview, Dallon appears a bit frantic. He mistakenly bump Brendon from paying attention to sorting management emails on his phone.

"Yo, holy shit!" Brendon is in disbelief as well. "Long time no see, man. How long has it even been?"

"God, I can't even remember the last time we played. It's been so long..."

Brendon is still processing the reunion between his old time friend and associate.
Dallon seems completely different now. He almost cannot recognise him. It is almost like a culture shock in a way, seeing him for the first time as a different person. Additionally, he knows Dallon's band has a different stage persona, consisting of wacky outfits.

His loose top is bright yellow with flower patterns, matched with a dark-tanned jacket and a decal of dark stripes that swooped down vertically. Along with light black pants and dress shoes, the outfit isn't to distinguish as sophisticated nor casual. Furthermore, his chestnut, floppy hair has grown to the point of almost reaching towards his chin.

"Hey! You look really great!" Brendon exclaims.

"Thank you," he pauses.

His buddy heads towards the opposite direction of the halls, giving us privacy.

"Hey I heard a bit of your new album. It sounds great," Dallon nudges the awkward tension.

"Oh, really? I think I knew you'd like it." Brendon softly chuckles "I guess we both hit that stage in life where we're in our old school era..."

"Never thought you'd really nailed that 70's brit rock vibe,"

"Yeah, well... When did we get so old..."

"Oh geez, don't remind me. I just had a performance in Singapore recently and the 20 hour flight with one break made my back ache. And now it just likes to act up regularly after that. How you manage to do backflips to this day is beyond me," he laughs.

"I don't really do that anymore, actually..." Brendon agrees with the same reason that it has gotten harder. "We'll- anyways, it was nice catching up..." he starts to walk away. Ending the conversation.

Suddenly, interviewers come out of another room, the opposite side of the halls, murmuring with their own personal conversations. They recognise Brendon immediately, take out their cameras, and pace towards them at full speed. Everyone hungry in desperation to be the first to provide new content to their media from a man who hasn't been seen in public in four years.

Both Brendon and Dallon run towards the opposite side of the press and burst out the exit door.

"Follow me," Dallon shouts.

He takes Brendon through some barricades, past some tents, into security, and reached an equipment area behind one of the multiple stages of the festival.

A large security guard with an intimidating attitude walks up to them.

"Hey. Main stage passes only," he says far from a light tone.

Dallon holds up his lanyard, revealing he is a main stage performer.

The security guard lets them through and both Brendon and Dallon sprint upstairs to the backstage where they are safe.

"Holy shit. Holy shit," Brendon pants, trying to catch his breath.

They arrive when the current band playing on stage finishes their song. No music can blare their conversation.
After a while, Brendon finally stabilises his breathing.

"I see you're performing as a headliner! That's totally fucking cool, dude," he smiles.

"Yeah. We're scheduled at 3:20 and finishing at 3:55 pm. And what about you?" Dallon asks.

"You're gonna think this is not a coincidence, but we're actually right after you," he laughs. "Totally did not schedule that. Ask my guy who was in charge," he laughs.

They peak at the direction they escaped at and it seems the interviewers disappeared.

"Thanks for that idea," Brendon says, gratefully.

They both walk off stage before the current performer's next song plays. They say goodbye and hug. Sending regards, it is almost time the two bands are next to perform on stage.

"Hey guys! Not so fast," someone from behind them calls out.

Brendon turns around and introduces Dallon to Panic's new tour manager.

"Just the two I was looking for. Perfect timing..." he says in relief.

"Why is that...?" Dallon questions.

"A month from now we'll release tickets for the Viva Las Vengeance tour." then he turns towards Dallon "And- Well, I just spoke with your manager.

You're going on tour together."

"WHAT?!" Brendon and Dallon yell.

Stuck In The Middle - BrallonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora