Chapter 5: Recovery 📚 💔

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You arrive at the hospital. John turns off the sirens and parks in front of the E.R. entrance. Bob gets out in an instant and carries you inside. With Jack and John not too far behind. Life is draining from your body by the second. Your face is pale, your skin cold, and you're still unresponsive. This causes Bob to become extremely worried. 

Bob: "Please help! Anybody!" He called out as he frantically tried searching for someone to help.

Multiple people start rushing in. One nurse rolls in a bed, which Bob places you down on. 

Nurse: "Could you tell me what happened?"

Bob: "They've been stabbed real badly in their right shoulder and lost a lot of blood." 

Nurse: "Do you know anything about their medical history? Any medications or conditions we should be aware of?"

Bob: "No clue.." 

Nurse: "We'll take it from here then. You can wait in the waiting room over there if you'd like."

Bob: "Wait, I can't be with them?" 

Nurse: "As of now, our main priority is to get them stable. Once they are, you'll be able to visit them." 

Nurse 2: "We need to bring them to the ICU and get a blood transfusion asap. Their blood pressure has dropped to 82 over 39." 

Then just like that, all the nurses and doctors rush you into the ICU before Bob can ask the nurse any more questions. He walks over into the waiting room and sits down. Jack and John come over and take a seat in front of Bob. 

John: "You're not completely off the hook yet. We have a lot of questions to ask of you."

Bob: "Yeah... I have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?"

Jack: "Why were you in a cult?"

John: "I- yeah, what he said.." 

Bob: "I.. Well..." Bob has a confused look.

John: "Well... what?"

Bob: "I'm tryin' real hard to remember... but... I don't hardly remember anythin' at all."

Jack: "Are you sure? Why should we trust you?"

Bob: "After everything I've done, I don't expect anyone to trust me. It's just that a lotta my memories are fuzzy. I dunno if it was the exorcism or not, but... I can only remember bits and pieces."

John: "What can you remember?"
Bob: "I recall them doing a ritual on me, somethin' about... summoning someone? And something about lookin' to the stars. I'm not too sure what that means." 

John: "Well, if you remember anything else, let us know." 

A couple of hours pass, and the nurse from earlier walks into the waiting room. 

Nurse: "Their condition is now stabilized. They're going to make a full recovery, but it'll take some time. I can take you over to their room if you'd like."

Bob is immediately relieved and gets up excitedly. Jack, John, and Bob all head toward your room. 


John: "Pipe down, damn it." 

Bob: "Hey, how are you doing?" he said softly as he approached your bed.

Y/N: "I'm okay... just tired heheh..."

Bob: "I can't thank you enough for what you've done to help me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't still be here today." 

Y/N: "No problem... I should ask people out for dinner more often.."Bob gives a small chuckle.

Bob: "Is there any way that I could repay you for your kindness?" 

Y/N: "Could you stay here with me? If you don't mind... I don't like being alone in places I'm not familiar with.."

Bob: "Of course." 

After talking and visiting, Jack and John go on their way. Bob stays with you for the entire time you are in the hospital. The only times when he would leave you alone were to bring back your favorite flowers. Finally, you were discharged and able to go back home. By the time you arrived, it was pretty late at night. 

Y/N: "Finally, I'm so glad to be back home."

Bob: "Now you can really relax without having a nurse come in the middle of the night and take your vitals, hehe."

Y/N: "Yeah, I haven't slept well since I've been checked in." 

Bob: "You should go up to bed then. Do you need any help up the stairs?"

Y/N: "I should be able to handle it. Thank you, though. I think you've carried me around enough, heheh." 

Bob: "How's your shoulder doing, by the way? Are the pain meds working?"

Y/N: "They certainly are. You wanna see the scar I'm gonna get? It's gonna look so cool!" You pull down your shirt collar and reveal a 5-inch laceration on your shoulder. Bob shudders and looks away shamefully. 

Y/N: "Awh, I didn't mean to upset you. It isn't your fault."

Bob: "I still can't help but to feel a little guilty. I don't like hurtin' nobody." 

Y/N: "You didn't hurt anybody, though! That wasn't you. Remember that."

Bob: "Thank you, you should go on up to bed, though. I'll just sleep here down on the couch."

Y/N: "Good night!"

Bob: "Good night." 

You walk up the stairs and lie down in bed. For some reason, you can't seem to sleep. You tried shifting sides, but that didn't work. Counting sheep? That never worked. Sleeping on your right side isn't an option. So you just lie on your back and stare at the ceiling. After a while, you can hear crying downstairs. Did Bob leave the TV on again? You get up and softly walk down the stairs. You see Bob sitting up on the couch with his head in his hands, trying to sob as quietly as possible so as not to disturb you.

Y/N: "Are you okay?" Bob immediately wipes off his face trying to recompose himself. 

Bob: "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just can't seem to sleep..."

Y/N: "Me neither.."

Bob: "Sorry, I wasn't being too loud, was I?"

Y/N: "Not at all." You reassured him as you sat down beside him on the couch. 

Y/N: "I know you've been through a lot... If you need anybody to talk to, I'll do my best to support you." 

Bob couldn't contain it any longer. Uncontrollably, tears welled up in his eyes and poured down his face. Years of heartbreak and torture are finally over. His emotions just built up so much to the point where he couldn't handle them anymore. He's done his absolute best to keep it together so as not to worry you since you've helped him so much. He couldn't ask any more from you. Especially not after hurting you as he did. You gave him a big comforting hug to the best of your abilities. One arm is weaker than the other. Bob immediately hugged you back as gently as possible so as not to harm your healing shoulder. It's been an extremely long time since he's had an intimate hug like this. You can feel his tears trickling down your back as he softly sobs.

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