"Positions everyone, we start from beginning to end." Their instructors firm voice exclaims, as he stands at the far end of the room.

"I need you" It involves lots of head movement, our only goal is not vomiting or passing out by the end of it.

I lay in my position beside Rm and try my best to ignore the racing thoughts in my head.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

And the music starts to play.


As the song comes to a close, Jimin rests his hands on his knees as he catches his breath. He shouldn't be taking this long to recover from that, he feels so drained.

How long has it been since he's eaten? He can't remember.

Squinting his eyes close, he can't quite seem to get enough oxygen in. The world is spinning, and he can't catch his balance.

I can't breathe. I can't breathe. What's happening?

His ears are muffled to his surroundings and his heart thumps loudly in his ears.

Jimin falls to the ground from his hunched position, his legs moving himself, so he rests against the back wall.



Breathe Jimin.

He can hear people in the room talking but it's too muffled to hear, he can't focus on anything.

Please make it stop. what's happening to me? am I dying?

His hands are trembling as he clutches his sweatshirt for dear life. Tears running down his cheeks and his hair is sticking to his forehead. There is no doubt he looks like a hot mess.


He looks up and makes eye contact with the main rapper, Yoongi. He's crouched beside him, holding an iced-over water bottle in his hand. How long has he been there?

"I can't breathe, Hyung I can't breathe." Jimin's voice comes out shaky, his words holding a desperate call for help.

"Jimin listen to my voice, can you hear me?"

Yoongi continues as when he sees a small nod from the boy, he would've missed it if he wasn't so observant.

"Jimin, are you able to hold my hand?"

He musters up enough courage to let go of his sweatshirt and as fast as his trembling hands can, find his members stable ones.

As soon as they make contact, Jimin feels much more stable than before. The relief floods into his heart and spreads through him. More tears come out as he holds his hand weakly.

"You're going to be fine Jimin; I promise." the words soothe his mind a great amount, "Trust Hyung on this."

Jimin does, the amount of trust he has for his Hyung is far greater than anything in the world. So, if he says it'll be okay, Jimin believes him.

Jimin doesn't break any eye contact from Yoongi, he feels like if he closes his eyes he'd die on the spot.

And Yoongi has to take a deep breathe himself from how scared and terrified Jimin looks. His eyes hold so much fear, so much sadness in them. Jimin's hand is gripping his as if he'd lose him forever if he let go.

"Huyngs right here, I'm not going anywhere Jimin. "

And those are the words that Jimin has been longing to hear, the comfort of his Hyung is all he's ever wanted and now he's finally hearing it out loud. Not a dream or an illusion.

"This is real." Jimin's voice is weak and feeble, and it pains Yoongi's heart to see him like this.

"I'm right here" Yoongi confirms. Moving his position Yoongi now sits beside Jimin, and he places an arm around his body holding him as close as he can.

Jimin lays his head on his Hyung's shoulder, his tears dripping onto his shirt; but he couldn't care less. Because he finally had someone, at least for right now; and to Jimin that's enough.

"Can we stay like this for a bit?" the question leaves his tongue before he can even process what he said.


After a few moments Jimin suddenly realized the room was completely empty expect from them. Jimin sniffles before he speaks.

"where'd did everyone go?"

" I told Namjoon to get them out of here, looked like you didn't need a thousand eyes staring at you" he speaks so softly to Jimin that more tears brim his eyes. "Don't worry, Jin-hyung's the only other person that saw you."

Jimin releases a breath of relief.

A/N: I rushed this so it's crappy, but I needed to just put something out there. I'll most likely edit this later anyways. for some reasons this feels more like the note's app lol.

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