The Dance Room

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The next member to follow after him is none other but their leader, Kim-Namjoon. He drags his feet as he slumps against the couch, yawning loudly as he scrolls absentmindedly through his phone.

Jimin recognizes someone else in the room but doesn't have enough energy to greet them like he normally would. instead, he curls into a fetal position and hugs his feeble knees. The action makes him look much smaller than intended.

Soon after the other member start to fill the room and soft conversations emerge. Jimin doesn't pay them any mind and instead closes his tired eyes and lays his head gently on the shoulder of the person next to him, and he could tell it was the oldest of the group.

he fights to keeps himself from drifting off, but the days he hasn't sleep has caught up to him and he inevitably falls into the darkness.

Jin doesn't say anything, looking down at the younger with concerned eyes. He can see the way his body looks like it gave up. his bones are protruding out of his skin and his exhausted figure could be seen by everyone. He could just be overthinking it, but he couldn't help but ponder on the younger.



"Jimin, we have to go."

A flick to the forehead jolts him awake in an instant, his eyes snapping to his best friend.

"Tae, I swear to God."

Jimin sighs out as he rubs his forehead with his hand. he's no longer on Jin's shoulder but Taehyungs. He lifts his head up like it's made of bricks and squints as it pounds harshly.

Taehyung notices and grabs a bottle of medicine from the kitchen, swiftly handing him a couple. Jimin says nothing as he grabs it and pops them in his mouth gratefully.

" Wanna Keep the bottle on you? we're practicing the dance today."

Jimin quickly turns him down with a wave of his hand, though his head is killing him he'd rather die than show everyone he's having trouble with something, even if it is a mere headache.

Taehyung's eyebrows furrow as he voices his concern, "Jimin if you're in pain you should just take it with you for later, just in case it comes back."

"Tae I'll be fine it's just a headache anyways." he exclaims as he starts moving towards the front door, Tae following close behind. Tae informs him on the way that the other members just left before he woke up.

And Jimin finds himself in his mind once again, God can you not mess up for a single second.

He finds himself growing more frustrated as they walk,

I need to focus; I won't let myself become dead weight.

They reach the clear double doors in what seems like seconds, but in all honesty Jimin was too dazed to perceive things clearly, he's glad he has Tae beside him.

Greetings fill the room as the pair join them to do their stretches as per usual.

The background music the instructor plays drowns out all the thoughts in Jimin's head. The negative and the positive as he closes his eyes, and lets the music fill his mind.

And for the first time in a long while, Jimin's mind is quiet. There's no screaming or insults.


He almost cries out from the relief of it all. The relief of his members who are right beside him, the relief of the music filling his ears. Jimin feels at peace. and he embraces every bit he can before it comes back.

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