Chapter 46: One cute date

Start from the beginning

Madeline: that would be a good idea. I do really want to have time with her by herself too!

Dana: yeah!

Polly: y'all should bring her to Disney on ice!

Madeline: omg she would absolutely love that!!

Madeline: okay I'll see what night Jason can get off early and we can go!

Caroline: she's going to be so excited!

*all go to bed and go home*

*next day*

Madeline: *dressing Stella* we gotta dress you all pretty for pictures today!

Stella: Seya piddy!

Madeline: Stella is the prettiest girl ever!

Rhett: *wakes up*

Madeline: oh brothers awake

Stella: buhdda awate!

Madeline: come see you want to come with mommy to get him?

*go get Rhett*

Madeline: okay Stella you want to pick his outfit out?

Stella: ya mama!

Madeline: okay what should he wear?

Stella: *picks an outfit for Rhett*

Madeline: I love it! You did a great job!

Madeline: *changes Rhett*

Madeline: okay let's go to daycare!

*madeline brings Stella to daycare*

Madeline: okay Stella you gotta smile big big for mommy okay!

Stella: otay mama

Madeline: let me see your pretty smile!

Stella: *smiles big*

Madeline: so precious!

Mrs Gracey: that is such a great smile Stella! Someone is prepared for pictures!

Madeline: say I've been practicing!

Madeline: okay I'll see you later baby! *gives Stella a kiss* have a good day mama loves you!

Stella: I yuv mama doo! Wet too?

Madeline: rhett loves you too!

Stella: I luv too wet!

Mrs Gracey: aww so sweet stella!

*madeline goes home with Rhett*

Caroline: hey guys!

Madeline: let me go put him down for a nap real quick!

Madeline: *puts Rhett down*

Madeline: okay he's out

Caroline: okay perfect!

Madeline: I can't wait to see her little face! She's going to be so excited!

Caroline: I know! I can't wait til tonight!

Madeline: okay she has several princess dresses so she can pick which one she wants to wear.

Caroline: are y'all bringing her to eat out or feeding her here first?

Madeline: I'm just gonna feed her here first because they have little snowball cups at the show and I know she'll want one!

Caroline: ooh sounds yummy!

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