His wolf had marked this land as theirs and would always long for to come back to it. Wolves are territorial, even in this memory, this dream, this place of limbo belonged to his wolf. These shores like concrete had its paw prints planted on them, Even an eternity of storms could not erase what once stood here as it had built its foundation to the earth. These woods had heard the numerous times the wolf had howled and echoed it back. Every yip and snap of the wolf's snout, every reverberated growl and every thunderous bark was but a choir singing a response to the wolf. These waters mirrored the beauty that was its brown mane shining in both sun and moonlight. Twin forces of night and day forever in motion, circling one another, like the man and the wolf coming together as one.

The reflection rippled and I felt the force of the wind push me away from the water. Each wave crashing to the shore was bigger than the last booming in deafening volumes. My heart was hammering its own rhythm in my chest mimicking that of the waves. In and out. I calmed my emotions and steadied my breath to be one with the rushing water. Push and pull. Leo took my hand as we took our first step over the shoreline and into the lake. With each step, I felt resistance and without my brother's hold on my hand, I would have fallen and been taken under by the waves. The water darkened and was thick like tar making our march harder the further we got. The faceless figure watched as our feet carried us deeper into the depths.

I held my breath as the cold water engulfed my entire body, consuming me with its crushing embrace. Letting my body relax, I opened my eyes and viewed the endless abyss that was the dark depths of the lake. The waves stormed above me showing their immense power. Though the water once was crystal clear now all I could see was the bottomless pit of darkness. My ears were humming with the sounds of the water being pushed around next to me. Leo swam beside me and pulled me with him deeper and deeper.

The compressing feeling grew tighter in my lungs the deeper we got. The lake kept drumming shock waves at us pushing us away, hindering our progress every time. We stroked and plunged away from the surface only to be pushed back to float with the currant. The weightlessness that made my hair sway freely, almost felt hypnotic. A was starting to feel the fatigue but determination burned in Leo's eyes. As he clawed the water, he squeezed my hand tighter and I pushed through the cold with him. I channelled that flame and energy, feeling my chest warm up lighting up the darkness. Another light flickered in Leo's chest illuminating our surroundings even more banishing the murky thickness. Another boom had me shiver but as I looked down to the bottom, a third light flickered in sync with ours.

With renewed hope we both pushed towards the light, paddling, scooping and kicking to get deeper to reach Luca. His hunched body laid pale almost ghost-like and completely naked on the bottom, holding his chest with his eyes closed. The tiniest flicker of the light was in tune with his heartbeat. He laid there completely emotionless and I feared we might have arrived too late to save him. We reached out with our hands as we made a final push through the hardest wave that hit us when we were within arms length away from Luca's lifeless body. As soon as our fingers touched his skin he flinched and jerked awake. His eyes glistened, looking at us both. Leo lunged at his body, closing him in a tight embrace. The light in their chest grew and they both reached out to me, pulling me in between them. The cold finally subsided and I melted in the heat that was being emitted from both of my brothers' chests like a furnace.

We pushed off from the bottom and started to ascend to the surface. With each kick I would feel the light burn and tingle on my skin. With each heartbeat the waves pushed the darkness away making the water clear once again. Leo leaned his head against Luca's temple while my ear was firmly pressed over his heart. The light in our chests grew blindingly till we could not help but to close our eyes. I could feel the waves pulsate around us. This time the thundering shock waves were on our side as they pushed us to climb to the top. As we broke the surface we drew in a sharp breath still holding on to one another.

The light spread away from us bouncing off the ripples of the water and crashed on each shore all at once creating electrifying sparks on the shoreline. Glittering strands dug into the ground like roots and spread from the shore and into the forest painting the trees iridescent rainbow. Nature shimmered as the glow kept rising and overtook the grey sky. As the illuminating light hit its peak and everything came together in a pinnacle, the sky exploded in a golden flare and the brightest sun smiled down on us.

I looked at Luca and my heart purred to see the colour return on his beautiful tanned face. Smiles spread wide as the three of us stroked back to the shore. The sand was rough as I walked on it but it didn't matter for I had the smoothness of my brother's touch. We only had a moment to hug each other once again when Luca stilled and looked into the distance. The faceless figure stood by the forest only this time it took the form of a brown wolf. The beast crossed the beach and stood in front of Luca. They both bowed their heads low exposing their necks to one another in submission. I held my breath till the wolf leaped into his chest where it belonged.

Once again I found myself in Luca's arms. I pressed my ear to his chest and listened to his wolf howl in peace. I felt Leo behind me holding his hand on my shoulder and the other holding to Luca's neck. They both kissed the crown of my hair and smiled down on me. Feeling breathless I closed my eyes and let the tears in my eyes flow like rivers.

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