"T-Then why are you crying... You're the dumbass..." Izuku muttered. Katsuki didn't even try to fight back upon Izuku insulting him, standing up and stomping off into the boy's changing room.




"Dear Ochako," Izuku read giddily. "Your hair- What, are you being serious? Beautiful, soft, and very brown? What kind of person writes that?"

Katsuki, who was now wearing a sports top, sat by Izuku's side on the rooftop. He ignored Izuku's comments as Izuku continued to giggle while reading Katsuki's attempted love letter to Ochako.

"Oh my god, you like Ochako, huh?" Izuku asked as he continued to grip the letter close to his face. Maybe that's why he was crying. Maybe he heard their conversation as well.

"And- C'mon, cringe lyrics? You could do so much bett-" Izuku started. Katsuki, who was just drinking some milk, turned his head away and slowly crumpled up the unfinished box, milk squirting out like a fountain. Knowing Katsuki was mad, Izuku decided to stop.

"Oh- Uh-" Izuku started, not sure what to do. "Look on the bright side, so we're now the heartbroken duo?"

He attempted to raise a hand for Katsuki to high five, but Katsuki tossed the box of milk down the building and smirked. He wrapped his arm around Izuku's neck and held it tight, choking Izuku again.

"You heard their conversation?" Katsuki asked. Izuku nodded, scared. Katsuki smiled. "Good. How about we get rid of their relationship... So you can have Shoto, and I'll have Ochako?"




Katsuki rolled across the gap between the two walls. He peeked over the wall to check if Shoto noticed anything. He looked over at Izuku on the other side of the wall and motioned for him to come over.

Forgetting how clumsy he himself was, Izuku nodded and attempted to roll the same way, failing miserably and falling sideways. Katsuki groaned angrily and pulled Izuku by the feet to him.

Katsuki went forward and followed Shoto slowly. Whenever Shoto turned, he would pretend to be whistling as a random bypasser. Izuku tried to do the same, but Katsuki had learnt his lesson about Izuku and had to grip Izuku by his wrist.

When they finally followed Shoto to a room, they decided to listen from the outside wall. Katsuki peeked in first to see Shoto and Ochako together – with a black puppy.

"It's my turn to feed her today, Sho," Ochako sighed. Shoto was patting the puppy while giving it food. He looked up.

"Aww, it's not my fault she's so cute," Shoto smiled. Ochako blushed slightly and sighed before sitting down.

"You know it's illegal to be taking her," Ochako sighed. "It's theft."

"Uh-huhhhh," Shoto said as he continued watching the puppy. Ochako had to smack his head to yank him back into reality.

"Phew, they're just having a puppy together, Kacchan," Izuku sighed in relief. Katsuki glared at him.

"Just? A puppy may be the cause of a blooming friendship, and then into a relationship," Katsuki sneered. He yanked his head over to glare at the wall across them. "We will not let that happen."

"H-huh, yeah..." Izuku said. They heard Shoto and Ochako about to leave, so Katsuki quickly pulled Izuku to the staircase so the couple wouldn't see them.

"Good," Katsuki smirked at the two's silhouettes. "Now to get that annoying dog..."




"So... What do we name her?" Izuku asked. He was once again with Katsuki on the rooftop. The puppy in front of them was running around carefreely.

"Hah! I'll go with Mighty," Katsuki smirked. Izuku looked at him weirdly, before he realized where the reference came from.

"Hey! Don't insult my idol," Izuku said angrily. "And plus it's a she!"

"Who cares, Mighty it is," Katsuki replied confidently. He tapped the puppy's head. "Right, Mighty?"

"HEY! She's not going to be named Mighty!" Izuku protested. Katsuki rolled his eyes and picked the puppy up, running around the rooftop to challenge Izuku to chase him. Izuku stood up and put his hands on his hips as Katsuki stuck out his tongue and ran around him.

"Mighty! Mighty it is!"





Black Puppy with White Spots

If found, please return to XXXXXXX for confirmation.

Izuku stared up at the poster. He sighed, his chest suddenly filling with regret. Katsuki came over and stared with him.

"Hah! They be looking for Mighty now, ain't they?" Katsuki asked. Izuku looked up at him weirdly.

"Aren't you feeling guilty or something?" Izuku asked. Katsuki shook his head.

"I'm going to do a proper confession today," Katsuki said. Izuku laughed at the thought.

"Hah, like it'll be successful," Izuku whispered. Katsuki glared at him and sighed.

"At least it'll be worth a try," Katsuki said. "You can spectate if you want. It's gonna be a hit..."




Ochako was rolling her bike over, humming a tone as she went. Suddenly, a few motorcycles zoomed over and surrounded her. The riders all seemed like her age, so she just looked around at them confused.

"Uh, what do you want?" she asked. The first few motorcycles parted for a larger one to zoom in. The rider jumped off and took his helmet off, revealing Katsuki. Ochako blinked, even more confused.

"Wait, aren't you Ka-" she attempted to start. Katsuki smiled and raised his arms, walking towards her.

From his smug look, Ochako assumed it was a confession immediately. Tired of all the attention she was getting, she cut him off, rolling her bike forward and hitting his leg with her tire. He jumped to the side and held his groin in pain.

Izuku, who was watching by the side, fell over laughing. Luckily, the other boys were all Katsuki's friends – some were mere followers – so they understood Katsuki was embarassed. They all dispersed almost immediately, and the only person left with Katsuki was a laughing Izuku.

Katsuki's face flushed angrily. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU LAUGHING AT?!"

"Y-You should've s-seen-" Izuku started. He coughed painfully, and patted his chest quickly to stop his laughing. "Okay, okay, that did not go well."

"Of course it didn't," Katsuki grunted. "Not like anyone would like me, such a surprise, haha."

Izuku stood up and walked over to the sulking Katsuki. Watching him like this really made Izuku feel bad – who wouldn't be sad if their crush forcefully rejected them without even listening to their confession?

Izuku forced a sad smile and put his hand on Katsuki's heated wrist. "It's fine Kacchan..."

Izuku then raised Katsuki's hand and high-fived him with the other hand. Katsuki looked up almost immediately upon feeling it.

"We are the heartbroken duo, aren't we?"

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