"That sounds great," Nina hung her apron up. "Meem said it was getting close to breeding season, does that track across more than just the worms?"

"There is a good chance we will see a decent number of yearlings, especially the striders. You will recognize them as their pelts are still striped."

Nina settled in and documented her tasks for the day, referring to notes scribbled on her tablet. She smiled as she mentally cataloged. Washed worms, fed worms, transported worms, got teased by boss, boss keeps looking at my ass. When that was done, she went over to the bookshelves and searched for more reading materials. She pulled down a handful, and saw another on a higher shelf. Pushing her chair over, she climbed up and reached for it. As she turned to climb back down, the door slid open and Ardus returned from his meeting. He raised his eyebrows at her. "Climbing again?"

"Just getting a book." She hopped down and stacked the books in the seat, pushing her chair back. "How did it go with Baru?"

"He is reluctantly letting go of the funds we need, but he is making sure I hear every complaint about it while he does. He has informed me to no end that the university's sponsors and donors are, what was the word he used, frantic to see those funds going to good use." Sliding into his chair, he stretched his neck and winced.

"Something wrong?"

"I do not think so, just a little soreness. I have probably overexerted myself helping Meem with her worms." He lifted one shoulder, making a face. He settled down, though, and Nina sat back and began reading. Her geology was rusty, and she had to review some of the terms. This place we're going to, it sounds nice. A little cooler than here, but not by much. I should bring long pants as well as short, just in case it's chilly. And I should pack extra socks. There's a beach up there, I should bring a swimsuit just in case. I'll have to get my wetsuit out of storage – I hope it still fits. She looked up when Athe came in with a folder for Ardus and an announcement. "Boda and I are going to the solstice tide festival this weekend," he addressed Nina, "you should come, I think you'd like it. There will be music and food and most people put extra lanterns outside their homes, so the city is lit like a beacon all night."

"What's a solstice tide festival?"

Athe set Ardus's package on his desk. "This weekend is the solstice, so the tide that comes in is the highest tide of the summer. It used to be primarily a festival for Omi the moon goddess, but we still celebrate because it's an opportunity for people to get out and meet up with friends. It was my mother's favorite festival." He turned and gave a pointed look at Ardus. Ardus coughed and ignored him.

I wonder what that's about... "That sounds like fun," pulling her hair back, Nina wrapped it into a knot. "I'll make time to come see it."

"You absolutely should. Boda and I will take you, we'll eat fried clickers until we're sick and go sit on the beach and watch the tide come in. It's a beautiful sight – it's supposed to be clear this weekend so you might see Omi's Necklace at its brightest. You can come with us, unless you're planning on going with someone else." Athe raised his eyebrows, an obvious question.

"Ah...no, I don't have any plans." From the corner of her eye, Nina watched Ardus glance up and back down. Oh, I see. "Yes, I'll definitely be there. I'll make sure I dress up for it." Another flicker of the eyes, and Nina resolved to be at this festival, come hell or – literally – high water. Perfect! The tide thing sounds fun. And if I run into him, so much the better. She turned her smile on Athe. "Thanks for the invitation, Athe."

"Of course. I don't expect to see him there, though," Athe gestured towards Ardus. "He seems to forget that Dreen are supposed to be social creatures."

Ardus frowned, still looking at his screen. "I do not."

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