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"What are you doing?" Ardus stood in the doorway, his eyes huge and his mouth half-open in disbelief. Standing on the counter, two plates the size of hubcaps in her hand, Ninaturned and regarded him with wide-eyed innocence. "What? I'm getting plates for lunch." The way she stood, she knew he should begetting a good look at her legs in the bright yellow leggings she'd chosen. At the moment, however, he seemed far more concerned about her location.

"That is not – you are not – Doctor, really!" In a few steps he crossed the threshold and front room and set a heavy dish down on the counter near her feet. "How did you even get up there?" Standing beside the counter Ardus looked up – for once she was taller – at her, one hand on the counter with his claws clicking on the polished surface. Nina looked down at him, enjoying her height and grinning at the top of his head. "How's the weather down there?" She shrugged, letting one strap of her wide-necked tunic fall off one shoulder.

Ardus made a choking sound, recovering enough to drum his fingers on the counter-top. Frowning, eyes narrowed almost to slits, he demanded "Doctor Ma'atanoa, get down."

"All right, but take these." She held out the plates and Ardus snatched them from her hands. He sat them on the counter with enough force to make them clatter. "There, now will you please-?"

Nina bent and sat with her legs dangling off the edge of the counter, her bare feet hanging in space more than four feet off the floor. "What did you bring me?" Sitting on the counter, she was almost his height – she could nearly meet him eye to eye, almost as close as when he'd carried her. Oh, I like this!

He shook his head. "No, not until you are down."

"Oh, all right." She wiggled her behind until she looked ready to slip off, watching his reaction. He did exactly what she thought he would– he held an arm out in front of her and looked horrified. "Doctor! You are not thinking of jumping, are you?!"

"Well, how else am I supposed to get down?"

Doctor Ardus crossed his arms, blocking her. "Not by jumping."

"Then what do you suggest?" Nina watched his face work, his upper lip twitching in vexation. Come on, take the bait like a good boy. She leaned forward, tipping her face up so he had a good view of her cleavage. If he noticed, he wasn't showing it. She wiggled on the counter a little more, crossing her ankles where they hung in space. Come on, don't make me say it. It's more fun if it's your idea. She watched him, waiting patiently. The seconds dragged out. Finally, Ardus sighed. His face was blank, but she could feel the frustration in his voice. He uncrossed his arms and put his hands on his hips. "Do you need help?"

She shrugged. "Since you won't let me jump down, I guess I do." She watched his nose-bridge wrinkle. Oh Omi, he's adorable when he's mad. His nostrils flared and he glanced at the dish he'd brought. Then, setting his jaw, Ardus closed his eyes and took a slow breath. "Very well." He opened his eyes and Nina suppressed a wiggle of delight. Come on big guy, do it. I know you want to. She watched him take his hands from his hips and flex the fingers, curling his claws towards his palms as though he was steeling himself against a strike. Then he reached for her. 

Putting his hands around her waist – and they spanned her waist completely, his fingertips touching across her back and his thumbs barely an inch or two apart across her belly – Doctor Ardus lifted her and stepped back. Nina, holding back a delighted gasp, laid her hands on his wrists for balance and watched his throat work as he swallowed what was probably a gasp of his own. Once her feet were on the floor he backed away immediately, his hands stuffing back into their pockets. His hands were shaking! "Thankyou, Doctor." Nina said sweetly,  pouring on the charm. "So, what did you bring me?"

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