I was just scared that I couldn't resist.

I can only imagine and wonder what the others are like. Strangely named after the planets in my home solar system, I wonder if they drew inspiration from our home... especially since Mars was incorporated into Our Tcno as a High Elite-Donor.

That meant he provided assistance to human kind, in return for favours... perhaps such as females for... food; ew, it's so gross.

I am wearing a black shirt and black pants and black shoes, my blonde hair is straight and just past my shoulders and I have hazel eyes. My skin is pale to the point it's kind of translucent, I've always hated it, as I couldn't tan without burning, and now I just stuck out like a dish plate in the perpetual darkness of this place. It makes me ultra self-conscious.

But aside from my basic girly instincts and feelings, I had to work out my plan of survival.

The reason I aspired to be a Dark Nine was, I think, mostly influenced by ingesting the Jace herb.

I remember the taste of it, flying through my senses and my blood, changing my system to be stronger, better and more alert.

So more than freedom, I wanted out of Our Tcno to search for my potential... whatever that was.

Our Tcno wasn't an evil system, it was the best humankind could come up with to ensure both our survival and happiness.

But there was always the 1% who needed to choose the thrilling option, too, right?

The strange and weird and unknown, which called us to be explorers and adventurers.

So technically I achieved my greatest goal, having an adventure off Earth.

I got exactly what I wished for.

So I should be happy – and I was. I was happy.

I was just... I don't know.

There was a whole other factor working in my life now; the will of the Kors on this planet.

If they were hungry, I had pretty much accepted, if they decided to eat me, I'm fucked and doomed.

That thought makes my mind go quiet.

Too quiet.

A new abrasive feeling dares to touch my strong-willed mind.

It's a feeling and an idea, that is only quiet because it is exactly that... it's the idea of submission to a stronger fate... or nine of them.

Is this what it felt like to be a lamb trembling before a wolf, casually hunting down its next dinner, and the lamb knows it's pointless to try anything, so it just stands and trembles and goes quiet before it's killed?

I really, really hoped that wasn't the feeling entering my system now.

The only true way out, if I needed one, was to find an ET portal.

If Mars came and went from the Dark Ninth... an ET was present.

I hold onto that notion, that there was a backdoor, I just had to find it.

I jump down off the wall, and I turn from the beautiful glimmering darkness of the forest, to face the prison – I mean palace.

As I walk back inside along a narrow path, I now take note of all the rooms inside this place on the bottom floor.

There are a lot of doorless 'cells', so many were empty, it seemed odd... they had a purpose a long time ago, I just don't know what.

The rest were big open spaces, that led straight down toward the middle room, which was the throne room where Mars was just before.

Dark Nine [18+]Where stories live. Discover now