Your Highness

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"Whatever you say."

They continued walking down the road, the gravel crunching beneath their feet. All around Louis was the sound of students talking, filling Louis' ears. On the sides of the road was only trees, the sky clear and blue above them. It was a rather boring scenario and the students' ranting gave him a headache.

Louis heard a lot of them talking about the prince, mostly girls. It was all around him and he had to fight the urge not to tell them he was actually walking among them up in the front, a real human being, who maybe was able to hear all they said. He didn't. He had only been out of the house for a few hours. It wasn't time to already rip out somebody's throat.

It wasn't long before there were fewer and fewer trees surrounding them, until they were completely out of the forest.

And then, there it was, around half a mile further out in the distance was the outlines of Rose Canyon boarding school.

It was magnificent. Beautiful. It was an old building, built in white, chalked stone. The windows were enormous and it had to be at least five stories tall. The roof was built in a deep red brick, a stark contrast to the clear, blue sky.

It, in Louis' eyes, looked like a castle. As they came nearer and nearer he noticed more and more details. Engravings in the walls, statures on the roof, tendrils growing up the walls.

The area around was beautiful as well. The grass was high enough to tickle your ankles and Louis could easily imagine himself, lying on the grass on a warm summer day, reading a book, some tea beside him. There also was a football pitch and benches placed along the road on which they were walking.

Louis let out a deep breath. He was here. He was finally out of his house and the headache disappeared from his head, moving to his gut, taking the shape as basking butterflies.

William stopped them in front of the doors leading into the school. They were big and built in brown oaktree, symbols scribbled into the wood, that Louis didn't recognize.

"This is the school," the man said and gestured to the magnificent building behind him. "We will in a short bit enter through these doors and then go to the cafeteria where we will serve lunch. After lunch we will sent you to your rooms. This will be done in girl and boy groups. After you have settled down you will be able to go explore the school grounds. Now-" he turned around, facing the door, "-let's get inside."

He grabbed the large doorhandles and pulled. The doors opened with a creaking sound, reveling the insides of the school. William stepped inside and called out , "Follow me!"

It was Harry who was the first one to follow him through the door, everyone else hesitating before following.

It was magical to step through the doors. Louis had waited for this moment his whole upbringing and now he was here. Inside the school that would be his home for the next year.

William led them through a hallway with boring grey walls and then through another one before he stopped in front of a door. "This is the cafeteria," he announced and gestured to the door that was at least the same size as the one leading into the school. "Follow me inside."

The cafeteria was big and spacey. There were long rows of tables with benches and plants hanging down from the ceiling. The windows on the left wall big, letting the sun stream in. The walls were a soft yellow color, reminding Louis of summer.

There was a long table at the end of the room, on it, placed plate upon plate filled to the brim with food. Chicken, salads, bread, pasta, sandwiches. Next to the food filled table there was a much smaller one with a bunch of stools around it, on them sitting a handful of adults. Teachers, Louis thought.

A School Of RoyaltyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang