"Goodnight." The door closes and I suddenly feel two arms wrapped around me. I turn my head to look behind me to see Yvonne squeezing onto me.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you... I cannot express how much this means to me Ashton." She looks up at me with her big, beautiful eyes full of tears.

"Don't cry Yvonne. You have no reason to thank me. I do this because I love you. I love you little flower."

I hear her sniffle as more tears fill her eyes.

"Shh.. don't cry. Jesus Yvonne, you're always crying.. And now your brother is going to think I hurt you in some way." I pull her into my arms, "Let me see your face."

She looks up at me with now bloodshot red eyes, red cheeks, and tears running down her face. I graze my thumb across her cheeks feeling the wet tears.

"I am sorry I am always such a mess. It must seem like I am always crying.."

I smile, "It's okay... cry baby." I thump her in the forehead with my finger

"Now come on. Let me take you to your room."

She nods and clenches onto my arm.

I can hear soft breathing and a sniffle here and there as we walk. She opens the door to her room and turns around, standing in the door way.

"Goodnight Yvonne."

I bring her hand to my lips. She smells so sweet. I close my eyes breathing in her scent.

"Will you stay with me tonight please?" She whispers as she bites her bottom lip.

"If you want me to.. Of course."

She nods pulling me into the room.

She shuts the door quietly behind her and looks up at me. "Ashton, what's going to happen now?"

"What do you mean?" I pull her over to sit on the bed with me.

She holds my hands in hers, "Will we be okay?"

"Of course. I would never let anything happen to you."

"I know but will the pack and you be okay as well?"

I nod, "Yes, I have it all figured out. If only you trusted me more..."

"I do. I just know Jack... He is so ruthless..."

"I am sorry it took me so long. I needed to double check everything to ensure you don't ever end up in his hands again."

She rests her head on my chest wrapping her arms around me. "I cannot thank you enough... He just will never let me go."

"He will have to Yvonne." I lift her face, so her eyes meet mine. "You are my wife now. You will be seen as such by the pack and all of our allies going forth. Okay, little flower? You're safe."

Her eyes flutter and I feel her breathing slow. We stare into each other's eyes, I run my thumb across her bottom lip.

How can she be so beautiful? I can't stand it.. what she does to me.. I'm feeling things I haven't felt... saying and doing things I would never do. Who the hell am I when I am with her?

I stare into her beautiful big eyes.. I just can't help myself.. I desire her in every way right now. My mind is solely set on mating with her and starting a family together.

I watch as her eyes shift from mine and to my lips... I slowly lean down until our lips meet. I pull away after one peck then touching my forehead onto hers keeping my eyes closed, breathing in her scent. Her sweet. Sweet. Scent. I feel her lean in pressing her lips against mine once more. Her hands travel from gripping my shirt to getting lost in my hair. Our lips hovering, yearning, and inching toward one another's. I can feel her breathing fasten and her body heating up. She pulls my lips to hers yanking me by my hair. I peck her ever so lightly. Her sweet lips are just asking me to devour them. So soft and tasty.

My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum