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Start from the beginning

"So what, deep cover?" Darcy questioned. "Monica has to play along?"

"With whom? Or else, what? All right." Woo enthusiastically claps his hands. "Brass tacks, Dr. Lewis and Ms. Strucker. What are we lookin’ at here? Is it an alternate reality? Time travel? Some cockamamie social experiment?"

Darcy and I shake our heads. We thought it was obvious. It's literally a sitcom. I mean granted something else is happening but that's what the majority of it is. I knew why, but I wasn't telling them that.

"It’s a sitcom.” I stated the obvious. “A 1950s sitcom."

"But why?"

I knew why. Kind of. Still don't. “If I had to guess, someone was mind controlling them. Why? I don’t know.”

I stood from my chair and picked up my research papers. "I have an errand to run but I'll be back later." I informed them and Darcy nodded. "Please make a pitstop for some coffee," She paused to whisper and point to the table of food assortment for those who were working on the case. "Their coffee sucks."

She was right. It sucked. "I promise."

I head back to my car, clocking out of the tent. Pepper was okay with what I was doing. She didn't know the true reason why I was staying.

FRIDAY ended up finding where my good old friend uncle list was staying at. When Dad was arrested, he and List were thrown in the same prison. But when Dad got killed the prison wasn't deemed nearly as safe as it was planned to be.

So a few inmates got moved. Him included and ever since the blip he was moved again.

Too a new maximum German prison. And guess who's got clearance. I will admit it took awhile to make it back to Germany. Berlin. Being back home brought back memories. Some good and some unwanted.

"Wie geht es List?" TRANSLATION: "So how is List doing?" I asked the guard as he walked me through the prison. The guard shrugged. "Er bleibt für sich. Du wärst sein erster Besucher."

TRANSLATION: He keeps to himself. You'd be his first visitor.

Well that's a surprise. Note the sarcasm.

When we reached his cell, the guard swiped his keycard and opened the door. I stepped inside, List had a secluded cell from everyone else given who he was and what he did. What he can do. He still looked the same even after all these years.

I faked a smile as I stared at him through the glass wall that separated us. "Hey uncle List." No we are not at all related, but he was Dad’s closest friend and confidant. He might as well be my uncle. And of course he fits the criminal criteria.

List laughs delighted, that old cackle of his as he stands to face the glass. He wore the standard prison uniform, and his hair was a little unkept. His cell had posters of the period table and books like Shakespeare and Hemingway. "Little Veronica. It's been a few years."

"Yeah well I was gone for 5 years." I muttered, stepping closer to the glass. "While you've been here, paying your debt to society. How's that been going?"

List scowls. "Why are you here Veronica? You didn't come when your father was murdered so why now?"

Okay apart from the total kick to the gut right there, I wanted to start talking about Wanda and the experiments but his words made me sidetrack.

"Did you ever think maybe I didn't come because I didn't want to see my father's murdered body?" I said with crossed arms. Because I did not want to see him. I made the avengers get his body from the morgue after everything that happened so I could bury him.

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