I did understand why that would all annoy him, and I had no idea all of this was even going on. I avoided social media these days, so I hadn't seen anything that was going on. The last I heard everyone was on good terms.

"I get it, it's kind of like highschool when your two best friends are fighting and you're in the middle. You do have to be loyal to those that are loyal to you through Harry. Like you said, there's four of you left, you need to have each others backs.

Louis might seem like he is complaining, but knowing how close he and Zayn were, I know Louis wouldn't have turned on him for no reason. I know you don't want to choose sides, but sometimes you have to.

Remember who has your back, and in turn you should have their backs. I'm not telling you to defend Louis, I'm just saying have a look at who has stuck by you, and who will be there for you when it's all said and done."

I was worried I had just said something I shouldn't have. He was quiet, staring at me contemplating what to say.

"You're right, you're always right. You always make me see reason baby, that's why I'm lucky to have you," he kissed my forehead.

"I'm here to talk about anything you want babe. Just remember, you're away from us for a reason, so make the most of it. No use being miserable in what you're doing, it makes being apart not worth it. This will all pass over," I assured him, knowing Zayn and Louis would come to their senses and drop whatever beef that had going.

"Hello!" Knocks sounded on my bedroom door, and I immediately recognised the two voices on the other side.

"That's the girls," I told Harry.

"Right you two can stop having sex now," Eleanor opened the door, barging into my room.

"Eleanor, get out!" Harry groaned at her presence.

"No need to be snappy Harold, while Soph and I pick out an outfit for Jen you can run along to the bathroom and put some clothes on, here you go," El tossed Harry his clothes I kept in my cupboard.

"What, no boxers? You expect me to zip my balls up?" He got smart with her, I could tell he was annoyed they interrupted our conversation.

"Jen?" She looked to me, asking if I had any of his underwear stored somewhere.

"Second drawer," I giggled at Harry's annoyed face that I was helping her out with this ambush.

"Here are your Calvin's, now out," she tossed the white boxers at him and both her and Sophia turned around, and started rummaging through my wardrobe.

"I need to ask myself why I even flew them down," he whispered into my ear, pulling the throw rug off the end of the bed to wrap around himself, making his way to the bathroom.

"Is he gone?" Sophia called out.

"Yeah," I responded, making them both turn around and face a sheet covered me.

"Do you have anything on? Or should I pick out your underwear too?" Eleanor handed me a loose woollen jumper and some leggings.

"I'm pretty naked," I laughed, and she reopened my underwear draw picking out Harry's favourite pink and black underwear set.

"These are cute," they both sat on the end of my bed, handing me the under garments.

"Yeah they were cute when my boobs actually fit into that cup size, they've gotten bigger during this pregnancy."

I took the underwear from them placing them on, then left the bed with my arms covering my chest, to pick out one of my newer bra's.

"Oh my gosh," the both squealed in sequence.

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