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At company

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At company

I reached my company and went inside my cabin.
I called Nora.

Knock knock.

Y/N: Come in.

She came inside with files.

Nora: Yes, Ms.Kang?
Y/N: Did you complete those files?

I asked while taking a file with me.
She nodded and handed me them.

I checked them and nodded.

Y/N: Hmm. Take this file and complete it within tomorrow.

I gave her the file which I took.
She nodded and left.

I looked at the time.

I sighed and left to that cafe as it's near the company.

I entered the cafe and sat on one of the chairs.

I entered the cafe and sat on one of the chairs

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I looked at my watch and it's 9.55 am.

He is still not here.
Not a punctual person, I guess.

My phone ringed and it's from an unknown number.

...: Hello? Is this Ms. Kang Y/N?
Y/N: Ya? You?
...: I am Luke . Your mom's best friend's son.
Y/N: Oh. Where are you?
...: Just behind you, I guess.

I quickly turned around and found a good looking man.
He hung up the call.

...: Hi. I am Luke.

He said while smiling before taking a seat before me.

Y/N: Hi, I am Kang Y/N.

I said with a slight smile and glanced at my watch.


I was wrong.
He is a punctual person.

Y/N: So, Luke? How do you feel now? I mean you are going to be the Ceo of your company.

I asked him.

Luke: I am already the Ceo of LK Enterprises, Y/N.


Y/N: What? But my mom said- wait. Why did you come to meet me?
Luke: My mom sent me to meet you as she said you might be my future wife.

Y/N: What the hell? Give me a second. I will talk to my mom and come.

I stood up and went out of the cafe and called my mom.

Mom: Y/N?
Y/N: Mom! Why the hell? Why did you lie to me?

Mom: Oh, so you came to know. Just go on a date with him.
Y/N: Huh? I don't even know him.

Mom: Then get to know about him. I want you to focus on your life a little bit. You are always thinking about the company more than you. So, give yourself a break from that and spend your day with him.

She is correct though.
By this I can forget Taehyung, right?

I hummed and she cut the call.

I went I inside and found him looking outside.
His attention diverted towards me when I sat infront of him.

Luke: What happened?
Y/N: Sorry. I haven't known about the reason behind our meet.
Luke: Oh, it's ok. Even I don't know the reason behind it till morning. My mom told me to meet you as you came to US. Just when I was about to come here, she revealed me the truth.

He said while thinking.
I hummed understandingly.

Y/N: So, what should we do now?
Luke: How about we get to know about eachother first?
Y/N:Hmm, ok.

Luke: I will go first. I am the Ceo of LK Enterprises. I never had a girlfriend before. I love to visit new places and I am an adventurous person who loves to take risk. I like mafia stuffs.

I stared at him.

Y/N: Mafia stuffs? Why?
Luke: It's adventurous.

He said while smiling.

Y/N: What do you think of them?Aren't they bad?

I asked looking at him while rising one of my eyebrows.

Luke: Not all mafias are bad.

When he said that, my mind flashed the restaurant scene where me, my friends, Taehyung and his friends were eating.

He also said the same thing.

What if she is just acting?
I asked.

Taehyung: I don't think so.

I looked at him.

I asked again.

Taehyung: Just a guess. Not all mafias are bad.

Luke: Now it's your turn.

I snapped back and looked at Luke.

Y/N: Hmm. First tell me what do you want to know about me.

Luke: Hmm...

He made a thinking face which I found cute.

Luke: Your profession? Your hobbies? Your likings?

Y/N: I am the Ceo of Kang Royals. I like to listen to music and I like to sketch. I like adventures too.

Luke: Cool!
Y/N: Then?
Luke: Will you come with me? I would like to show you something.

I looked at him and nodded lightly.
We stood up and went out.

Luke: Come with me in my car.
Y/N: Ok. Wait a minute, I will inform someone to take my car to my house.

I called Robert and told him to take the car to my house.

Then, I sat inside Luke's car.
And he drove somewhere.

So, finally updated soon

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So, finally updated soon.

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