Chapter 11

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baji does all the possible things he can do for chifuyu just to impress him, make him smile and mostly to fall in love with him also

everyday baji courted chifuyu from his heart which just made chifuyu totally confused, since he forgot baji is courting him

"Hi cutie, how's your third period today?" baji said as he ran towards chifuyu. he wrapped his arms around his neck as they walk together

chifuyu got bothered by baji and can't focus of what he should be doing or where he should be going by now

"W-What the hell are you doing stupid shit..? G-Get away-"

"Ah ah ah, why should I? Hmm? Oh, give me kiss first before I go away"

chifuyu blushed hard, "Fuck off Baji-san! or you want me to call you again just by your name, Baji"

"I wouldn't mind if you call me “love” for short, Chifuyu" baji winked his eyes

"Tsk. I forgot, I'm going to the cafeteria. You distracted me!"

he hurriedly walked just so he can go away from baji. baji is childish enough to follow chifuyu's trail

he bought chifuyu's favorite foods and drink and sat with chifuyu, which everyone knows that chifuyu did not agree with it

"What's your problem now Baji-san!? As far as I remembered you hate me don't you? Why the fuck are you smiling at me now?"

baji grumped his face knowing that chifuyu already forgot about the time he apologized

"H-He forgot about it already?! Ugh, sure Chifuyu is annoying sometimes! What if he forgot that I'm courting— no no!"

chifuyu looked at baji closer, "E-Eh? Baji-san? You alright, you've been shaking your head"

baji then opened his eyes and saw chifuyu close to his face, he blushed hard and looked away immediately

"Nothing.. Just headaches.. I bought this food for you, uh, I should be going now Chifuyu. I- Goodbye, please eat that!" he stood from his chair and walked away

"Is he alright? He often shook his head like that starting last night"

baji walked inside their dorm and laid in his bed, "Damn it, damn it, damn it.. Headaches are attacking me again, and it's worst than before. I might get fever if it stayed like this longer"

"The way Chifuyu was that close to me… I can't stand it, I can't hide my expressions.. I look so weak damn it"

knock knock


"Oh Baji, chill it's just me" kazutora said and walked in, "Chifuyu told me about you. Again?"

"He told you?— don't damn mind me! Ya'll still have school later you should go now"

"How about you?"

"Tell our teacher that ya know, my headaches, it's damn attacking me again god damn it" baji groaned

kazutora felt baji's pain. when he was in 8th grade baji got hit by a rock because of one of his classmates, ever since that he get headaches sometimes

it visits baji maybe in a 1 month every year or years, just when it feels like it

his mom brought him to the hospital to check but there's nothing wrong with him, just headaches visiting him so it's not dangerous at all

"You're really sure I'm going now? Baji?"

"Mhm… School's important"

kazutora walked up to him and held his forehead, "You're starting to heat up. I'll check you again here at lunch, if you're not getting any better then I won't be going to school for a while to take care of you"

"It'll be nice if it's ‘him’ " baji mumbled, "Kidding.."

"You want me to call him?"

"Didn't you hear me? I was just kidding"

"What ever, I'll go now"


"Good bye, don't do something stupid Baji. Just rest, for a while not forever"

kazutora left waving his hands. baji just ignored him and closed his eyes

"What does he think of me?"

he rested all he can for a while just to forget that he's having headaches by trying to sleep but then someone opened the door which irritated baji more

"Who is it this time-" baji removed the blanket from his face and saw chifuyu on the door, he looked away and pouted, "What ever. Why are you here?"

"Are you really fine?"

"I am totally fine! What's your place worrying about someone like me, huh? I'm fine"

chifuyu sat in his bed and looked at him, "Then why are you sweating?"

"Ignore it"

"Kazutora told me you were having a fever and he told me to take care of you" 

baji gave in and just quitted being so hard to get for a while. even if he tries to be strong he can't take care of himself alone, he had headaches and noe he got fever

"It's true, so what?"

chifuyu stood up which baji thought he'll noe leave but he walked towards his closet and took some of his clothes

"Change your uniforms"

"I can't"

"Then I will, geez, I'm here to take care of you" chifuyu rolled his eyes and pulled baji up to sit

he saw how weak baji by his eyes. he was like a rope going along with chifuyu as he pulled him up

"You aren't that hard.. to take care so it's fine"

chifuyu took baji's clothes off and changed it quickly. although he was a blushing mess when he was doing it

"God.. what a nice body he got.."

baji rested his body on chifuyu after he got comfortable by his clothes, "I'm sleeping"

"O-On me?!"

"Mhm… I'm cold, I wanted someone warm, like that one person.. I liked so much, although he did not like me back" baji just looks like he's not thinking straight but he wanted to reach those words to chifuyu

"W-Who's that p-person? Do you like someone new?"

baji chuckled, he hugged chifuyu by his hips and said, "Who else? Ofcourse it's you…stupid"

"Do you… really like me for real?"

"A lot.." baji whispered, "I fell in love with someone I never expected for me to like"

"Uhm.. if you wanted to uh sleep w-with me then let me lay down.. also? I'm getting tired of sitting like this when you're on me"


"What does that mean?!— sure he's sad to look but why does he kept saying mhm mhm mhm?!"

chifuyu moved him away for a while and went to his closet to change his uniforms also. he came back and fixed baji's bed so he can lay down comfortably

"Come here, Baji-san.." chifuyu said and slowly pulled him closer, "I don't like t-this idea but... n-never mind"

baji hugged chifuyu tightly as he can, "Like me back already.. Chifuyu"

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