Chapter 12

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"Mhm.. hm"

kazutora walked into their dorm and saw baji was still sleeping

"Why are you there, and why is Baji hugging you? You guys already together?" kazutora asked and showed his two fingers being together

chifuyu shook his head angrily, "No!"

"Correct, it's because you're hard to get. Why don't you like him back already?"

"I don't want to be played by others… I had someone before, he left me"


"K-Kazutora lower your voice, I don't have an ex!"

baji groaned and opened his eyes, and even pushed chifuyu away

"What the hell is your problems people? Really? I'm sleeping and you guys- What the hell are you doing in my bed?!"

chifuyu looked at him in shock and stood up,
"Y-You told me to! Fine, forget it! You just made me your damn pillow for four hours!"

baji scratched his head, "I slept four hours straight? That's good at least my headaches were already gone"

"Baji I suggest you not to like this guy over here, he got an ex, tsk tsk" kazutora said and laughed

"I told you I don't have any! What the hell?!"

"So? If ever, their already done, right Chifuyu? I'm here to be your next and your last anyway, I was born to be yours" baji proudly said

"What the fuuuuck?! Where did he got that lot of confidence?"

"There's festival tonight, the school stood a game and food stall all over the campus. Well yeah"

chifuyu and baji looked at kazutora and thought he was lying, "Are you sure?"

"Go outside to see it then, geez you guys don't trust me at all"

both of them knew kazutora wasn't lying anymore. they just relaxed themselves like there's nothing to worry

"Who're you guys going with"

"Chifuyu" "No one" baji and chifuyu both said at the same time and looked at each other afterwards

"Hah?! Why me?"

"Why no one?! I'm here"


"What's your damn reason it should be me going with you?!" chifuyu angrily asked


"I'm courting you so ofcourse I'll make you proud and have a lot of fun!" baji talked back to chifuyu

"YOU GUYS LISTEN! I don't want to be a third wheel here!"

"I'm not making you a third wheel that's why I refused!"

"Just kidding~ Just give in already, go with Baji so I can rest here all I can"

baji was surprised of kazutora's response. he didn't expect him to say it like that at all

"What? You're not going?" baji asked, kazutora nodded

both baji and kazutora forced chifuyu to go with baji. later on chifuyu just gave in since he kind of wanted to tell baji something he wanted to tell him for a long time

"I'll go with Baji-san.."

"Yesss! Woohoo!! I won the trophy again!"

"Finally, rest without lovers in the fucking dorm"

Attention|| Baji x ChifuyuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang