Chapter 15

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their life being together was fine. baji and chifuyu usually go together in lunch breaks and recess.
kazutora and takemichi kept following them

"Aaaah" chifuyu sighed

"Why are you sighing like that? Did something bad happened?"

"Takemichi… I missed how Baji-san always annoys me at times like this" chifuyu frowned and sighed again

"Chifuyuuuu! Hi love, I bought your favorite-" baji saw how upset chifuyu is so he looked at takemichi, "What happened to Chifuyu?"

"I-I didn't do anything! I swear. He told me he just missed how you annoy him during lunch"

baji smiled at them and took a chair and sat infront of chifuyu's desk

"Chifuyu~ Come on, I'll feed you. Don't sleep in your desk!" baji said and pulled up chifuyu's head

"Mmmm?~ Ah"

baji gave him his favorite food and chifuyu took it. he got some energy after eating some and he started smiling

"I told you Takemichi!" baji said while smiling proudly, "He just needs food everyday! Believe me or not, he doesn't want me annoying him in the dorm"

"I know I know, Kazutora-kun told me about it also"

"Don' you guys gang up on me" chifuyu said while munching his food

"We aren't"

"Let's stay in the dorm after lunch since it's our half day in school today"

chifuyu nodded. "Carry me into the dorm, I'm tired Baji-san"

takemichi got surprised of chifuyu's actions. he did not act like that even once but now he's being childish

"Something's really wrong to Chifuyu"

baji carried chifuyu in his back and started walking. he took him in their dorm and placed him carefully in his bed

"I'll just sit-"

chifuyu held his hands, "Stay here…"

"Chifuyu are you hiding something? You don't look too good"  baji looked at chifuyu dead serious in his eyes but then chifuyu just shook his head

"Nothing happened.."

baji went closer to him and gave him a kiss, "Hmm"

chifuyu deepened their kiss and made it sweeter. he held both baji's cheek, pulling him down in the bed with him

a tear fell from chifuyu's eyes even if it was closed, something really do happened to him

baji started thinking things he should not so he broke the kiss and looked at chifuyu with his blushing messed face

"What happened? Tell me"

"Fine.. I'm just tired of school, it's nothing more"

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"Sadly, no, I did not even sleep"

baji crawled on top of him and hugged him tight, "I thought something bad really happened to you… Then let me just get you some clothes and you change your uniforms, I'll change mine too"

"Can I… use your clothes Baji-san?" chifuyu said, shyly

"W-What..- Alright"

so baji stood again and took some clothes, he changed his clothes behind his closet then he was the one who changed chifuyu's clothes since chifuyu was too lazy

Attention|| Baji x ChifuyuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant