Chapter 14

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baji woke up at noon, kazutora and chifuyu just let him sleep all he wanted since it was weekend

"Uhm.. Kazutora? Is it normal to Baji-san being asleep during noon? We are had our lunch but he is still sleeping"

"Don't worry about him, he's really like that when it's weekend"

chifuyu just nodded. baji later on woke up while groaning

"Chifuyu?" he noticed chifuyu wasn't on his side anymore, he immediately sat in the bed to find him and just saw kazutora and chifuyu in the table looking at him

"You're finding your boyfriend? He's just here, calm down"

"N-No.. I thought he left… He was right next to me last night that's why"

kazutora coughed, "I woke up around 1 AM you guys slept in one bed, and Chifuyu was hugging you. It was painful to watch"

"I-It wasn't that painful Kazutora.." chifuyu shyly said

"It WAS that painful"

baji just shrugged before he went to the bathroom without looking at chifuyu, which kazutora noticed that baji didn't even greet him good morning or with a smile

"Did something happened to him? You guys good?"

"Yeah? Why are you asking?"


"Chifuyu… is he really... that…- maybe I should ask him" baji thought

he got out of the bathroom after cleaning his face, he sat in his bed and took his phone

"Oi Baji, are you not gonna talk to us? We're here too"

"O-Oh sorry… I just wanted to be silent for a while"

kazutora looked at him with disbelief. "Aaa! I remember I'll be playing volleyball with Takemichi today! We'll be on the court if you guys wanted to go, goodbye!" he left with a smile on his face

chifuyu and baji was left in the dorm and the room filled with silence. chifuyu got shy talking to baji since he looks angry and baji is having second thoughts because of his mind

baji took a glance on chifuyu, they made an eye contact since baji did not expect chifuyu to stare at him also

"Baji-san? Do you want to talk about something?"

"I wanted to ask you something, can you come here?"

chifuyu went to his bed and sat infront of him

"Chifuyu… D-Do you know live in an apartment before?" baji asked

as far as he remembered when he was living in a same apartment with his bestfriend before, which he wanted to know if chifuyu do too

"W-Why- I-I mean how did you know? You're stalking me Baji-san aren't you?" chifuyu said and chuckled. his smile faded when he noticed baji wasn't smiling at all

"Do you remember… someone named Keisuke before from fifth grade?"

as baji asked chifuyu was confused and his emotions were indescribable when he remembered being with someone before, the keisuke chifuyu knew when he was still in fourth grade

chifuyu pressed his lips together and looked down, "Why do you know about him? Don't ask me about him.. H-He… He's not part of my life anymore when he left me!"

baji's heart broke hearing what chifuyu could really feel towards him. he confirmed it was chifuyu, his bestfriend he looked for a longer years which he didn't even realize that it was him the whole time

"So that's why you look a lot like him" baji laughed along with his tears as ge hugged chifuyu, "You were my bestfriend all along Chifuyu!"

"W-What are you talking.. You?! You're.. that Keisuke Baji..." chifuyu tried pushing baji away but baji tightened his hug

"It was me... Chifuyu I'm sorry, I'm sorry I left you before"

chifuyu cried with baji. he don't know if he'll be angry, happy or sad knowing baji was the person he liked before that left him

it's not hard for them isn't it? after all their feelings were mutual ever since day one when they met

baji liked chifuyu and chifuyu liked baji

"Why did you leave me.. stupid idiot! Get a-away from me!"

"You know why Chifuyu.. I'm sorry, please don't hate me"

chifuyu remembered the first time he saw baji with kazutora. the day when he said he looked like someone he knew

"That person reminded me of my bestfriend…"

he fixed the puzzles and questions in his mind. baji was really that person

"I'm sorry Baji-san… My emotions took over me"

"I can't believe it's really you" baji said with a sad tone. chifuyu looked at baji in his eyes and everything that baji looks like before flashed back in his mind

from baji's eyes, hair, and everything to him. chifuyu can't even believe baji would go to the point to like him

"W-Why do you like me, I-I though before that you like girls.."

"I actually.. liked you before. When I saw you here, you reminded me a lot of the past you"

"You do too. You're still handsome as ever, j-just like before" chifuyu looked away and shivered

baji held his cheek and turned his head around to face him, he kissed him passionately. chifuyu kissed back and closed his eyes

"This'll be your second kiss" baji smiled. he hugged chifuyu again, "Damn I love you so much"

chifuyu blushed, "Y-your lips were really soft.." he said and held baji's lips and kisses him quickly

"Turn around" baji ordered, chifuyu turned around then baji gave him back hugs

"I like this position"

chifuyu startled when baji sucked and bit the lower of his neck beside his shoulder like a baby

"Mhm nmm" baji said. he looks like a child that he enjoyed biting chifuyu's neck softly

"Baji-san! You look like a 3 years old kid! Stop it, i-it tickles too!" chifuyu shyly said

baji's bites didn't hurt him but it tickles, "But ya know ever since your young this part of your neck is really soft, do you realize why I always press this part before?" he asked and went back to what's his doing

"Hah~.. Baji-san- i-it really tickles- mhm~"

baji blushed hard after hearing chifuyu holding back his moans, he just stopped since he felt bad for chifuyu

"Don't just moan like I'm really doing something to you, it's embarrassing!"

"Then don't suck my neck! That's not a pacifier!" chifuyu scolded baji

baji sucked his neck one more and laughed, "It's so soft!"

"I'm gonna cry if you kept doing that" chifuyu sniffed

baji looked at chifuyu on the side with a smirk, "You should practice how you cry every night when he finish college~"

"I don't get-" chifuyu's cheeks heated up and he suddenly punched baji's leg, "Don't say that!"

baji stayed silent as he still felt the pain in his leg, "Bwahaha! Then want me to make it tonight?"

"I hate you!" chifuyu said and punched him again

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