A plan of action ✔

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 WITH THE Miraculous Squad

"Hey I got an Idea" Alix said jumping up from her spot on the couch. "What is it ?" Chole asked eagerly. " Well. . you know how the kwamis tried to contact Nooroo and Dussu awhile back well since we are technically bonded with our kwamis letting us possess some of their abilities and links what if we use that and try to contact Mari since she is linked Tikki so what if we use our powers along with the kwamis powers then we may just have a chance and to figure out where she is and save her" Alix said in one go.

"You know that could just work "Luka agreed and so did Kagami agreeing with her boyfriend who was agreeing about what his friend said. "So then what are we waiting for? Let do this thing!" Chloe said as she felt the adrenaline rush through her veins. "But for that to work we need all of us all the people we can get that means we need the other two people" Max said looking up from his tech gadgets. " Your right I will call her and Alix you can call him" Chloe said as she pulled out her phone and looked through her contact list looking for her number. 

After some time they got a knock from the balcony window in Mari's apartment which they were still in looking for any clues the kidnapper must have taken. "I will get it" Chloe said getting up from Mari's bed and opening the curtains and then the balcony door to let in the two heroes. 

"Hey guys come on in" she said as they entered the room while Chole locked the balcony door and drew the curtains closed. "So we heard Maribug is gone missing and you need our help so we came as quickly as we could from since we were in a very important meeting for MS " The hero in pink and white. 

The others explained to their friends their plan to try and contact their leader and best friend. They all sat in a circle with their kwamis floating next to them all holding each others hand as they started to recite some words in mandarin. They started to float of the ground a bit while a glowing light started to emit from them in various colours. 

 ------------------------------------------------WITH THE BATS ----------------------------------------------------

Barbara and Tim were typing away  furiously on their computers trying to find Damian. "Hey guys I think I found something" Jason said holding up a piece of clothing. "What is it ?" Dick questioned looking up from the Bat computer. "Well by the looks of it, it's the league's" Jason said analyzing the piece of clothing in his hand. "Ugh seriously when will Talia stop trying to kidnap her own son to force him to join the league with her" Babs said rolling her eyes. 

"True but this clearly narrows done our search for sure" Dick said typing away on the bat computer. "I got it !" Dick said happily jumping up in the air for a celebratory victory. "Well where is Demon Spawn ?" Tim question as he sipped his 11th cup of coffee. "Well he is in  Nanda Parbat" Dick said as he began to suit up. "Well then lets tell the others we found them and get suited off " Babs said walking off going to tell Bruce and the others who were on top about their new found information on Damian. 

The bats and birds were all in the cave suited up and loaded with batarangs, explosives, glitter bombs, smoke bombs, rubber bullets and everything else they would be needing. Batman, Catwoman and Batwoman were seated in the Bat jet  while Nightwing, Red Robin , Red Hood, Orphan, Spoiler, Batgirl were in the Bat plane. (the bat plane has more seats then the bat jet, I know that they both are the same thing but for this fic they will be separate). 

The two aircrafts took to flight as they flew to Nanda Parbat where their little brother and youngest member of the Batfamily for now was being held. 

-----------------------------------------------WITH THE MIRACULOUS SQUAD---------------------------------------

The glowing light started to become brighter and brighter  and  then all their magic combined together formed a oval in the middle of the circle they formed, they opened their eyes each of them had a specific colour glow out from their eyes and shine bright they all focused on the oval in the center. There they saw the bluenette girl but their magic was not that strong which meant that they could not communicate with her but their magic let them see where she was and what exact location she was at soon they felt all their magic drain out of them weakening them so they stopped the spell deciding that whatever they had seen would have to be enough for now as their kwamis were totally drained out. 

They fed their kwamis food and they to ate some Chinese takeout feeling recharged they continued on their search as they discussed what they would do. "Hey well since we know where Mari is what if I go into the past like a week ago to take the horse miraculous so we can teleport there to where bug is and save her " Alix said. "Hmm that could just work" Chloe said. "Yeah well it is worth a shot" Zoe added on. "Sweet,  Fluff clockwise "the red head said as a blue light enveloped her and then started to fade away revealing her in a blue and white costume. 


Bunnix opened her burrow stepping inside she started to scroll through all the events until she finally found the one she was looking for

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Bunnix opened her burrow stepping inside she started to scroll through all the events until she finally found the one she was looking for. She stepped through that portal and soon she was in Marinette's apartment,  no one was there as currently Mari would be gone for patrol the only people in the apartment were her and the remaining kwamis. Bunnix quickly explained their situation and made sure to promise the kwamis not to mention this to Mari as that could possibly alter the time line. She grabbed the glasses and left the same way she entered now back in her burrow she exited that to closing it behind her. "I got it " she said triumphantly holding up  the pair of glasses. 

"good now that we got the horse miraculi we discussed that Luka you and Kagami should go while we stay back incase of back up is needed" Chloe said taking charge. 

So what do you guys think ? I am sorry if you guys thought that they would finally be rescued but I also just can't seem to sit and write that so here is just well more of them searching for the two lovebirds. Btw who do you think will get to the Mari and Dami first the M squad or batfam ? Let me know your response. Also let me know if you know any good edits of Zoe in the pig miraculous. 

WORDS 1197


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