chapter 6:

38 1 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Next day. More aces shows up to light faction hebijo alliance base. New section area is built for fighter jet hangers. Ikaruga checking the guess rooms where strider 6 pheonix & razgriz 1 blaze are sleeping.

Door opened katsuragi got thrown to the wall alerted class rep.


Skyler: has everyone told you YOU DON'T SNEAK IN MY ROOM TRYING TO TAKE MY VIRGINITY. I get it you haven't seen young boys this close before other than being what you said perverts. IN MILITARY ITS CALLED INVADING MY SPACE💢

blaze: the hell is going on?

Ikaruga: Don't worry its our friend here. She can be a handful sometimes

Katsuragi: its how i roll. I'm impress you threw me with one arm

Timeskip ikaruga pov:

We ate breakfast. Skyler kun looking through a list of assignments given by kiriya from trigger sensei his squad leader

Pheonix: usual patrols huh

Blaze: i'm off duty so. Going back to my rented place. Thanks for allowing me to sleep here

Asuka: your very welcome blaze sensei

Pheonix: well i got enough time so. Is there a bar here?

Ikaruga: your drink at your age?

Pheonix: * shows his id card * yep. Gotta try your sake

Timeskip author pov:

Garuda 1 talisman at the bleachers inside the shinobi base. He & other pilots came to get to know what there like.

Shamrock got his legs back sitting next to him.

Shamrock: these girls rock

Talisman: ikr

Miyabi training can feel a stare from angel of emmeria. Looking back to him. Talisman tip his hat miyabi waved at him. Alarm went off.

To be continued:


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