Chapter 18

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Night quickly came
After all those pretentious acts, they survived all day once again
Cale pounced on the bed "I'm tired" he then proceeds to hug the three children who let out squeal from the sudden hug
Ruksoo smiled "We still need to do something you know?" "Later" "We wanna sleep" "Please?" "Pretty please?" All of them used their magical eyes which the dragon is not immune to
It was super effective that even he sat down on the bed
He was then tackled down, laughter erupted.
Outside the room is a fisherman who was about to tell them to eat dinner, smiled and left. Maybe they can have their dinner later.

"It's difficult, Eruhaben-nim" "I don't think we can convince them" "Why are we even trying?" Choi Han said as Rosalyn added, Lock however was not amused by everything
"They might be strong but we are just wasting time." And it did make sense
They aren't the reason why they decided to go to the shore
They almost forgot the real reason why
"When everyone is asleep, let's go" Eruhaben only said as the three nodded
They all went and eat dinner and slept with heavy hearts
The future is so vivid.

"We can go now. It's the perfect time since those four are still relaxing" "We should go when they went back to their rooms" They all nodded back as they watch from afar what those four are currently doing
And as soon as they went back, the five namely Ruksoo, Cale, Raon, On and Hong are ready to leave
Of course since this has happened before. Dissapearing and just appearing again, there won't be a problem with people seeing them

They teleport to the sky then flew all the way to the Whale Tribe where the successor herself is waiting
She looked towards them and saw, A long haired black head and red head, two kittens and a baby dragon
She bowed and waited for them to land.
As expected of the Whale Tribe, they must of felt the immense power of dragons and gods to be able to welcome them like royals
They might be the second strongest, but with two dragons around and over six gods watching over them, they can't just act arrogantly as they usually do specially to arrogant lower species

"We greet the-" She did not have the time to continue as someone intrrupted her "You don't have to do that. We won't stay here for long" A red-head with powerful mana
Not as powerful as a tower master but at least almost as a highest grade mage said so
She only nodded and showed them the way to the Whale King
Who is also waiting for them

They are inside an Ice Castle. This is probably for those who cannot breath underwater, which is really helpful considering that most species out there cannot do so (breath underwater)
"What pleasure do we own?" Asked the King formally
"We are here to tell you the future." Easy as that, typical of KRS to do so
'I don't think-' before Cale can even speak to him telepathically Kim Rok Soo already dropped the bomb
Which made everyones eyes widen
"Of course since they're a dragon they can do anything" that is what a normal human being would say but there are barely any dragons actually no dragons out there who can see the future. Afterall Dragons are like humans but much much much more powerful than they can ever be

"Pardon us? But why would esteemed dragons tell us, the Whale Tribe who used to fight with your species in order to gain power, owe the pleasure to?" "We just want to." This made the atmosphere tense "Why? Do you have anything againts it-" "What they mean is! We are willing to help since you guys will be beneficial for us. And since we will use your help, you guys also have the chance to use us" Interupt Cale "Can we ask the esteemed, Oh so powerful Whale King to indulge us?" He then smiled
'Ah scammer smile!' 'There it is' 'Don't look Raon' 'Why not?' The kids who are sat down on an ice couch with the black dragon warming them up talked in their minds as they do not want to disturb the adults talking about adult stuff
While eating pastries that Cale and Ruksoo cooked for them.

Before they can even start someone barged in
It is the one and only gold dragon who is not surprised on seeing them here
Meanwhile the three following behind him are also calm, probably have been told by Eruhaben about the immense power that is unleashed
Nobody was shocked
Unless of course, the peeping Archie and Paseton has their mouths wide open
"I see.." He looked at them "I knew something is suspicious about you guys" "Whatever do you mean?" They all smiled the same way as Eruhaben is not at all convinced

"Oh my God this is getting juicy!" "This is so good! Hey past me more stop hogging it!" "I brought more" "The atmosphere is so tense" "Repeat that one part where they are at the bed. They are so cute!"
Everyone made noise as their new addition the Goddess of Balance squeeled
Even the God Family is growing.


Hello everyone it has been a long long time since I last updated
I usually post a chapter with over 1000 words but this time I cannot do so
School is taking all of my time
And I don't usually do this. Post something I'm not gonna finish but yes this whole book will remain unfinished
There might be a chance that I'll do it but it depends
I'm also not that inside the TCF fandom but more focused on my classes
I write for fun and thinking that I haven't post a new chapter makes me anxious honestly
So this will be unfinished
Maybe one day.

Thank you so so much for all the love and support
I'll stop being a writer and continue being a reader now
See you guys again when I have my power and time to write again, when I still have that powers I guess
I will not be deleting anything so feel free to comment, vote and follow
I love you all ♡♡♡

Please tag me if anyone wants to continue this or use my idea
Please tag me cause I want to read it
Also thank you to tarista_alvah for letting me use her God Name

I love you all, Byeeee (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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