Chapter 15

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Three days go by as the King's birthday surfaces
With the help of a strong silver wolf, a swordsmaster, a high grade mage, a dark elf crown prince and an ancient dragon (I know Lock is from the Blue Wolf Tribe but I will be using silver because that is his hair colour)
They were able to identify the ones who has the bombs and is able to stop the explosion before it even happens
A day prior to the terror accident to be happened, The three visited an old friend.
Namely, Alberu Crossman who is also the crown prince of the Roan Kingdom
He cooperated with them after knowing what Eruhaben has been through and his experiences in his past two lives.

They stopped the mage Redika from causing mayhem and questioned him about the White Star situation.
He is still loyal to the White Star so they (just being Eruhaben who made it hurt phychologically and mentally) have had to end his lifeline.
Unlike his past two lives, this one is different, other than not being able to beat up the oldest child of the Henituse, the late transformation of a wolf and now not being hailed as heroes.
It was a good thing that can help them be sneaky, to prevent getting caught faster as before.

Now they have a few days to take a break before going to the shore to try and befriend the Whale Tribe.
The Whale Tribe used to be their allies because of how they helped them find the source of power the Mermaid Tribe got so suddenly.
Sadly, it is also because they almost healed the half-whale, half-human Paseton who did not stayed longer than a few months before the poison took over his entire body causing him to pass away.
The dragon tried to stop it but it only prevented him from dying early.
It still is a big help specially from an ancient dragon so the Whale King became a good friend.

The four are currently in the Forest of Darkness helping a berserked silver wolf.
Eruhaben watching on the side while healing Choi Han and Rosalyn who is trying to wake Lock up from his sudden outburst.
Their Dark elf friend can not go as per Royalty duties.
"Lock! Its me! Your Noona!" "Just a little more Lock!" They both said as the dragon watches
Suddenly he heard some bushes rustle causing him to break out of his focus from the three who is still fighting
He looked around and tried to find the presence he felt but was too late and only felt the same mana from before
Before he can walk over and feel it to identify what it was, the three already finished so he quickly healed them all up and told them telepatically that he will be gone for a bit.
The two from the three nodded as Choi Han carried the passed out wolf back to their inn so that they can all take a break.

"I wonder what Eruhaben-nim will be doing?" "He is an ancient dragon. He probably felt something we didn't earlier" being the smart mage she is, Rosalyn knows already the reason
Choi Han just agreed.
Meanwhile with the said dragon,
He is looking around the place still trying to trace what he felt earlier
It was the same mana from the same dragon.
"Was he watching me? Why?" As last time he only felt one but now two.
It looks like the other one is still being taught magic
"Intresting. Another dragon who is teaching a human. Is he copying me?" Considering how he also felt a small trace of a wolf tribe that most ancient dragons even miss, he fell into that conclusion.
Afterall, even if he is kind, dragons are proud and confident creatures.

He went around trying and trying but ended up letting it go as he felt a Gods divine power instead
Specifically, the God of Death.
It has a mix of three other Gods he can't identify yet but because of that reason he stopped.
Its too early to make a God his enemy or ally.
But he knows now that, that dragon is strong enough to have four Gods by his side.
He will find out sooner or later.
And with that he left, he ignored the shaky breath that was huffed out as they saw him turn away.
It's gonna fine, he will know it.
He doesn't want to risk it now, but he will once he earns more allies at his back and call.

"Appa! This is so nerve wracking! Why did you even bring me again?" "Your the one who wanted to go" "You lied! You said were going to the market!" "I did. After were done spying on them for information"
He heard a sigh as his child just pulled him by the hood of the cloak out of the forest to the markets
"You need to buy me three books now" "What do you mean three? You said earlier that you want two" "Then Five." "Three it is" He can feel his human smile in smugness
He really learned too much from him even knowing how to blackmail and scam him.

They then went to the bookstore and bought five books.
"How did I buy you five? I thought you said three" "That's because I'm irresistible!" "No, its because you scammed me" "I learned it from you" "I regret you seeing me do it." They just walk around now to buy some food supplies
After all their food for 14 is not enough for 24 beings in one big hidden lair.
"You guys! Are you sure you want all of it?" Asked the daughter of the flour seller
They just bought two whole sacks of flour.
"This is alot of eggs, are you sure?" Asked the seller as they bought a whole 10 boxes filled with eggs.
They went around buying more food as the vendors welcome them seeing what they do and how much they buy
"Are you sure?" "Yes, Auntie!" Said Cale as they just bough all her fruits enough for a week of selling
They still walk around with nothing but a basket with tons of spacial bags
Everyone in the market knows they're rich and that the two are really nice to buy all the bread from 10 different bakeries and left three of those sacks in the slums.
Ah yes, the wonders of money.

"Two skewers please!" Said Cale as he buys some from their friend "Oh its you two! You guys has been spending here and there a lot!" "Yeah, we have new children!" "What?" "Found some bandits trying to take about 10 children" "We took them home with us!" Boasted the disguised acting red head as everyone looked at the two softly
They are really lucky to have such wonderful human(/dragon)
Truly, there are still kind people in the world.
"You guys are rich" A voice suddenly resurfaced
"Oh! Haben-nim! Three skewers?" "Yes, please" smiled the disguised mage.
Kim Rok Soo and Cale acted, and they act good
You can't even notice a hint of lie in their eyes
"Ah yes! We have a big house so we can help!" "Its all good. We are wondering adventurers so its easy for us" The two of them smiled the same way

"May I ask, What are your ages?" "I'm 18!" "23" 'They're still young, it wouldn't hurt having them as allies' Eruhaben thought
"So-" "Here are your skewers!" The lady winked at them as they both thank her with their eyes and gave her the money
"Isn't it your time to go? The art shop is closing soon" "Oh yes! Thank you!" They both bowed and left
"And here are yours" The three noticed, how she winked indicating their leave "I'm sorry about that. This has happened before. I know you guys are probably adventurers as well and was going to ask them to join. It doesn't have anything to do with me but I'm their friend" "Yeah! Yah guys seems strong! But those two flock together! They will never join even if you guys beg!" "Its much better that way. They are young since they've been around, they always buy here too so they're quite famous around here" "You guys are great but they are greater." The four praised them as the three understood. (The skewer selling lady, the flour selling man, the fruit selling Auntie and the daughter of the flour selling guy)
Choi Han and Rosalyn looked at each other and nodded as Eruhaben understood
Looks like those two really must be their allies at this point.

I'm sorry if I haven't been posting
School is on Monday so I was busyy
Thank you so much for all the reads, follows and votes!
I'll try to update when I can!

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