Chapter 7

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A/N: Please read
I hope you guys aren't confused by chapter 6/3
Spoiler: The next chapters will be by year
In this chapter their 12 or 714 but in the next one they are 13 and 715
In Korea everyone ages at the same time at the start of the year (That is all I understand. I did not try to understand the adding two on their ages or something because it will not be applied anywhere in this book)
KRS and Cale however still likes to celebrate at November 8 which is both of their birthdays
I hope I didn't make it confusing

Thank you everyone for 1k reads on this book and enjoy!


The Familial Adventure- Chapter 4

Another year pasts by as Cale is now 12 and KRS is 714 or 38
"You're old" "Yeah and so are you."
Even so they act the same the red head still has a much more of an outgoing (loud) personality sometimes and tends to tease the dragon which the other dismisses
Well..most of the time.
He rarely gets mad but when he does, it's the most petties (plural of petty) thing ever

"Hey." "What is it now?" "I want a new book" "Then buy it yourself" "But Ruksoo-nimmm" "Okay. Fine. If I buy you one will you shut up?" "Oh- I mean yeah"
The dragon then went to the bookstore to buy a book for the greedy child he's babysitting leaving a smirking red head feel guilty
'Did I go too far again? Oh no..' He thought as the dragon reappear again with a book
"Here" and with that he left

Last time when Kim Rok Soo got mad he didn't buy some ingredients for baking for Cale's usual cooking classes and even came late while yawning just to spite him more
He also hid bathroom necessities from the other resulting to him having a scavenger hunt for it for almost an hour
At night he also lost pillow privileges and slept without one for the night
He also had less blanket space as they share one blanket.
The next day he apologized and they made up

"I'm sorry, Okay? Stop please" Cale looks like he's about to cry
"....Your forgiven" The soft hearted dragon cannot refute back as the other did looked resentful of it (he will never admit it but plus points for the fact that Cale looked adorable realizing his mistake and all)
And that night he felt bad and bought him a new book which made the other jump in joy
"Thank you!" He said letting go of the book then hugging Kim Rok Soo
"Oh- Uh sorry- I didn't mean to- I was just-" Cale tried to explain while his lips twitch
Of course the red head who is still trying to give an explanation from embarrassment did not notice it.

That night the dinner was silent.
Kim Rok Soo is giving him the silent treatment all through night
They did not cuddle as the other purposely turned his back away.

The next day Cale went to the library to reread his favorite book of all times
He placed it in its usual spot and was about to take it but when he pulled out the book it was a different one instead
The usual fictional book he loves is replaced with a book about plants.
"What? Its supposed to be here..." He mumbled
He searched everywhere for hours, just to find the book under a table.
He knew who did this but cannot say anything about it as it is infact his fault in the first place.

He wants to say sorry so he planned to bake a strawberry shortcake
As he went to the kitchen.
There were no fruits
The flour is only fit for a single muffin and the dairy needed is all gone
It was there just two days ago and he did not bake those past two days.

He can't do anything about it as its only 10 am
The dragon is still asleep as usual so he just took a magic potion he hid with gold coins to buy some ingredients needed
He drank it, his hair then turn brown and eyes to hazel.  He brought a basket with him and five gold coins.
He then teleported to the market with a teleportation scroll and started his usual bargain with the vendors.

He got all he needed and took a break at the sidewalk while eating a skewer
Even though his things are heavy he did not let his eyes off of it.
He was about to go back but...
Why is the other teleportation scroll not there?
He is sure he placed it inside the basket.
He even asked to borrow a table just to search for it only for it to not be there.
Oh no..What now? He hasn't even ate breakfast yet and got three gold coins left

Cale frantically searched for it making the vendors worried
"Kim, whats wrong?" Asked an old vendor
She is the same one where he usually buy fruits at
"Umm..I sneaked out. I have two teleportation scrolls left and I bought one with me to go back. But I can't find it.." He lied so easily acting pitifull
"Oh my, Do you maybe want to stay with me for now? Maybe your guardian will look for you?" "Okay, Thank you Auntie.." He said sadly earning more pity
"Here, have an apple! What happened kid?" Asked the guy who sells flour (from the last chapter)
"I annoyed him too much again. I was just being playful but I guess it was too much so I wanted to say sorry by cooking him a strawberry shortcake.." He said sadly biting the apple
"Don't worry we'll take care of you for now" She smiled, she is the girl who sells the skewers that he bought at
"Thank you, Uhm Noona" He gave his most impressive puppy dog eyes that melted everyones hearts
"Just stay here and we'll take care of yah!" Said the daughter of the old lady (the one who sells him fruits)

He was then carried to a chair and he sat there munching an apple
Still waiting for Kim Rok Soo to show up
Everyone got attracted by his cuteness and bought food from the vendors to give to him
He happily accepted free skewers and fruits while still eating sadly.

Three hours past by easily
"Kim? There you are" Suddenly the dragon showed up infront of him and carried him as he hid his face in Ruksoo's collar
"Hello Auntie. Sorry if we made any trouble" The other bowed taking the basket
"Its fine. Rather we should be thankful since we made a lot of income because of him today"
"Ah. He left without telling me, without even eating breakfast"
"We know. It's better if you guys made up now" "Yeah, the poor kid has been down" "Make up okay? See ya'll next time"
They both bid farewells as they teleport back with magic

As they appear in the lair, the said teleportation scroll is on the same floor he left earlier
Their disguises are then took off
The dragon let him down and wanted to forgive him. But his petty heart cannot do it, so he pat his head and went away
Cale looked at his back sadly, determined to apologize and not tease him again so much

He directly went to the kitchen and made the strawberry shortcake.
It came out beautifully into a small circular cake and is ready to present it to Kim Rok Soo
He fixed himself and walked to the library knowing that the dragon will be there
"Umm I baked a cake for you..I'm sorry" his head is bowed down while his hands with the food are lifted up
The others weak heart melted wanting to forgive
He didn't hold back as Cale's tears are tempting to fall
He took the desert and placed it on the table, after that hugged the red head

"I forgive you, okay? Stop crying. I guess I was harsh, I'm sorry"
Cale's face is on the dragons clothes making his reply muffled "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, It was fun teasing you because you rarely show reactions. So when I do your eyes twitch or you show it more freely to me. I wasn't thinking it through and I became an annoyance"
Kim Rok Soo rubbed Cale's back and took his apron off which he forgot he was still wearing then carried him
The other sniffled hugging him tight
"Its fine. I'll try to be more expressive, stop crying now. Let's go eat the cake you baked okay?" The other nodded tears still falling

They ate the cakes after dinner and that night cuddled closer
"I'm really sorry" Cale said apologetically
"Its fine. I forgive you." When the other looked up he saw the dragon smiling at him
He then blushed and burried his face to the others chest and muttered
"For an old man, your smile is really pretty.." "I thought we talked about this?" "Sorry sorry. But you do look pretty, Hyung! You should smile more. But only to me okay?"
The dragon just giggled then proceeded to hug the other tightly
They slept comfortably, feeling even more closer than before.

"AAAAHHHHHH" Both the Goddesses squealed while the God of War started tearing up
"Its" "Beautiful!" "Adorable!" "There is no other way to describe it"
They all gushered over the two.

Meanwhile the God of Despair despairs seeing this when he finally decided to go out after a year of sealing himself up
He did it again and he will most likely hide for another year, or maybe a decade.

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