When the Gravity Goes

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Steven checked his watch. Damn. Almost noon. These are gonna be some awfully rushed introductions. He clapped his hands to get the other peoples' attention.

"Sorry that these introductions are going to have to be so quick, but it's almost time to cut the gravity!" He smiled at the others in the cabin. "I'm Steven, but, please, call me Ze. I'm the leader of the Experimental Wing. I hope we can all get along!"

A man with shaggy black hair and a scruffy beard spoke up. "I'm Nick," his voice was surprisingly smooth, "but call me Sp00n, and if you write it down, those are zeros, not o's."

A chipper man with his brown hair spiked high jumped in, "I'm Spencer! Or Spence! Anything you want to call me really! It's super great to meet you all!" He began shaking hands with the others.

There was one other in the wing, almost forgotten in Spencer's joyous whirlwind. He sat quietly in the corner, his black hair almost covering his eyes, a few scars upon his face. He was the youngest person aboard Space Station Chroma, but far from the most inexperienced.

"And you are?" Ze asked, his voice gentle and his smile sweet as he addressed the shy man who sat in the corner. The other men in the cabin finally noticed him, only due to Ze speaking to him.

"Kevin," he said, his voice sounding more confident than he looked, "You can give me a nickname if you want." The words slipped out gently in a deep voice that didn't particularly match his face.

Spencer's jaw dropped when Kevin spoke; he expected anything but the low, silky voice that escaped his throat.

"Aw, come on man," Sp00n said accusingly.

"What?" Kevin replied, his charming voice stunning Spencer even further. Ze reached out and pushed Spencer's jaw back to its neutral position, and telling him that he was being rude.

"You know." Sp00n's voice grew more accusing.

"No, I don't!" Kevin was growing frustrated with the other man. Spencer was still staring in astonishment, with Ze trying to break his trance by waving his hands around and telling him that he was being really impolite.

Sp00n shook his head. "That's not your real voice. There's no way in hell..." His words trailed off as Kevin cocked his head in confusion, looking questioningly at him.

"It is," Sp00n whispered.

"Yup, it's my real voice," Kevin confirmed with a fake smile. "Anything else you'd like to accuse me of faking?" He was obviously hurt by the others' reactions.

"No, no," Ze began hastily apologizing, Kevin seemed unaffected.

Ze sighed. "Kevin, you're just fine," he reached out a hand and put it on Kevin's shoulder as he spoke, "They were just joking around." Kevin's feelings were quite obviously the same.

Ze crouched and lowered his voice so only Kevin could hear him, "Just don't listen to them." He gave Kevin a small smile. "Plus, I'm the leader here," he winked, "I got your back."

Kevin smiled back at Ze, finally looking him in the eyes. Kevin noticed that they were a blazing emerald green and savored gazing into them as he spoke, "Thanks. That makes me feel a lot better." Ze gave him a quick nod then stood back up to his full height.

"We better get going! Almost lunchtime, but, better yet, almost time for the stabilizers to be turned off!" Ze chirped, gesturing for the others to follow him. He offered his hand out to Kevin who took it and pulled himself up.

Spencer stared at Kevin once again.

"Yes," Kevin said, noticing his astonishment, "I know I'm taller than you'd think." He began mumbling to himself, "Apparently everything about me is a huge surprise." He sighed. Ze overheard him and gave him a sympathetic smile.

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