Two Sides

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"You told who what?" James mumbled, floating nearer and nearer to Aleks. His mind was still focused on Seamus and he was completely oblivious to the implications of Aleks' previous statement.

"Kevin," Aleks mumbled. "I told Kevin." James furrowed his brow in thought for a moment.

"Aleks and Kevin, James," Seamus grumbled, nudging James' back. "Don't tell me you've already forgotten."

James cleared his throat and rubbed at his face, trying to clear the haze that still wouldn't leave his mind. After an awkward moment of silence, a swift remembrance hit James.

"Oh! Right! S-sorry," he mumbled. "So how'd it go?" The second the words left his mouth his hand slapped against his own face. Aleks opened his mouth to speak, but James continued. "I'm sorry. I can tell things didn't go too well."

Aleks sniffled. "They really didn't."


"Um, Kev?" I mumbled, after finally locating him.

"What's up?" he asked, seeming somewhat distant.

"I think we need to talk," I said, biting at my lip. I still wasn't sure what to say or how to say it, but here I was.

He furrowed his brow and focused his big brown eyes on me, urging me to continue.

"W-well, some things have been happening recently and I think you should know," I said, flinching at my own words. Kevin stayed silent and I took this as a queue to continue. "The other day, Dex ended up doing some stuff with me," I paused to clear my throat. Kevin grimaced and rolled his eyes. "N-not super terrible, I guess, b-but it just really confused me and I'm still not sure where I stand..."

"I knew it," he spat, "You're cheating on me. Why stick with me when you can have him?" Tears welled in his eyes. "Fuck off, Aleksandr."

"Kev, I still-"



"And, uh, then he left," Aleks finished, sniffling at his retelling. "And I came here."

"Aleks," James said, hugging him slightly. "I'm sure things will work out one way or another." Seamus nodded.

"I sure hope so," Aleks said, sniffling.


Kevin was still boiling mad from his argument with Aleks, although he wasn't sure who, or what, to be mad at. He growled to himself as he worked on various experiments that Ze had assigned to him.

"Fuck Aleks, he can't even stay loyal for two seconds." He glared at the racks of test tubes suspended next to him. "Fuck Dex and his... Existence." He rolled his eyes.

"Just... Fuck everything!" he said, much louder than intended.

Sp00n, who had just woken up from a short nap with Ze, came out to see what was happening. He saw Kevin, red faced in anger with tears hanging in his eyes.

"Kevin, what's wrong?" he asked softly, his voice still muffled by sleep.

"Everything," Kevin spat, turning away.

"You're going to have to specify," Sp00n mumbled.

Kevin sighed and retold the events that had happened between Aleks and himself.

"I see," Sp00n mumbled after hearing the story. He opened his mouth to say more, but Kevin interrupted him.

"I overreacted, didn't I? This is my fault," Kevin mumbled, his head falling.

"No, Kevin, it's not," Sp00n reassured. "You might have overreacted, but it's not your fault. If it's anyone's, it's Dex's." The second these words had left his mouth, he regretted saying them.

"Dex," Kevin hissed, balling his fists.

"You should not go and act on it like that," Sp00n said frantically. "Wait it out. Please."

Kevin, however, was already on his way to the Γ Wing.


More cliffhangers. Haha.

(( I have no clue where this story is going anymore ))

I honestly apologize for this whole story.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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