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I made my way to Therapy happier than usual. I had just turned 18, and Dad had given me a white Chevy Malibu as a birthday gift. It was one of the perks of being an only child.

So anyways, I drove myself to Therapy today, blasting My Chemical Romance. I sang along to the words, my heart out of the dumps for once. I pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car- locking it twice for safekeeping.

I got inside just inside to see the boy from last week exit. His eyes were red, and it looked like he was crying. I felt sympathy for the poor guy, knowing that a lot of things were probably not going right for him.

Liam just smiled and led me back into his office.

"So, Harper, you look a bit more cheerful today!" Liam commented, leaning forwards in his chair.

"Yeah, well, I just turned 18," I told him with a faint smile.

"That's awesome! Did you get anything exciting?" He asked me.

I nodded. "He got me a car."
"Nice. So, what did you do for your birthday?" Liam asked.

We spent most of the time talking about what my dad took me out to do the other day. What I loved about Liam was that he seemed genuinely interested in what I was talking about, even though my life was mostly boring and uneventful.

It was something new, I'll admit.

After my time was up, Liam said his farewells before greeting his next client. I pushed the heavy doors open, feeling better than I had ever felt before.

I was halfway through the parking lot when I noticed the same boy from yesterday sitting on the curb. His eyes were still red and puffy, and there were tear tracks running down his face.

I thought about it for a second before making my way over to him.

The boy looked up from the ground when I approached him, and I finally took the time to study his features. He had bright blue eyes, and dirty blond hair. His skin was pale, and he was skinnier than what was healthy.

Just from looking at this boy made me want to help him.

I decided to stop in front of him. His eyes searched my face, trying to figure out what had lured me over to him.

"Hello," I greeted, putting on a small smile.

"You're that girl that Liam sees after me, right?" The boy cut to the point, his thick Irish accent standing out.

My smile quickly faded. "Uh, yeah, I am."

The boy just nodded, looking down at his shoes again. When he realized I was still there, he gave me a confused glare.

"What are you doing?" He asked sharply.

"I... I've seen you out here these past couple of weeks alone, and... I just wanted to see if..." I was going so say 'see if you're okay', but I realized how stupid that sounded.

Of course he wasn't okay, he was crying outside a therapist office.

"If what?" The boy demanded.

"If you needed a ride home?" I blurted out.

Did I just offer this kid a ride home? I didn't even know him.

But the boy shook his head, saying, "I'm fine, just leave me alone."

I sighed, knowing I probably shouldn't push him. So I just nodded, forced a smile and a quick, "Okay", and walked towards my car.


I turned back around to see the boy now standing up, walking over to me. When he stood in front of me, he twisted his hands together, looking down at his feet.

"I-I'm sorry for being rude, it's just-"

I interrupted him. "Hey, it's fine, it's cool. No hard feelings, okay?"

The boy nodded, looking grateful. "Good, I can't have another person to add to my list of people that hate me."

I gave him a smile. "It's all good. My name's Harper, by the way."

"I know," he responded, "I heard Liam say your name after I left."

"You never answered my question. Do you want a ride home?" I asked the boy again.

He hesitated, and then nodded. "If it's not too much trouble..."

I laughed. "Too much trouble? I literally do nothing every day!"

I led him to my car, unlocking it and getting in the front seat. The boy climbed into the passenger seat, giving me a quick, small smile.

"Thank you," He said softly.

"No problem. Hey, you never told me your name," I said, stating the car up. Damn it, I was running out of gas.

"It's Niall." He replied, "Niall Horan."

I literally just wrote this on my phone at 2 am. And I have to get up in four hours.

Hope you liked it, I can't wait to get deeper into this story.

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