Chapter 13: Christmas Mayhem

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Christmas had arrived and Harry felt lonely. Even though he was surrounded by family, Niall had left for home and the time they had spent together was really great, they had truly bonded after being around each other constantly. He learned so much about Niall in those two days, and as he looked out the window, he couldn’t help but hear a laugh.

            “Oh Jay! It’s been so long!” Anne greeted happily and Harry looked up curious, he had never met anyone with the name of Jay.

            “I know! How have you been?” 

            Harry peeked out from the corner of the doorway that separated the front door entrance to the family room and eyed the woman his mother was speaking with. She was a beautiful woman that had long brown hair; it was a little messy from the falling snowflakes and blustering winds that were outside, but it still looked presentable. He was quiet as he observed the stranger and soon saw four young girls enter his home, they were all adorable, although one of them that was possibly the eldest didn’t look so pleased with her mum.

            “Come on Boobear!” Jay suddenly hollered out the door.

            “You brought your son?” Anne asked as she peeked out the door and suddenly cooed. “He’s so handsome.”

            “He may be handsome, but he comes with an attitude.” Jay smiled as she spoke and stepped out of the way to allow her son into Anne’s home.

            “Oh shit . . .” Harry breathed as his eyes expanded greatly at the sight in front of him. Louis Tomlinson stood at the doorway to his home and he quickly hid behind the wall that concealed him from his mum.

            “I know you’re there cupcake, come greet Jay and her children.” Anne playfully scolded her son as she leaned to get a look at her son that hid in the family room. Harry breathed out another curse as he was caught, and cleared his throat as he felt discomfort rise in his throat that felt somewhat like nausea.  

            “Oh! Your son has break too?” Jay asked excitedly. The story between Anne and Jay was that they met at a spa in London, they had planned a day of luxury while their children were busy at school and happened to bump into each other and had much in common. They talked each other’s ears off and it was history. The two kept in touch after that and decided that they would celebrate Christmas with each other so that their children could get acquainted.

            “Yep, Harry actually had a friend over for a bit because he missed his flight back to Mullingar.” Anne commented to pick up the conversation.

            “Oh! An Irishman! How fun.” Jay smiled. Harry walked out from his hiding place and avoided any contact with Louis, he kept cursing mentally at any sort of higher power for making him suffer like this. He thought back, wondering how he even deserved this punishment and ended up next to his mum hoping that she could be some sort of holy shield from the demonic man in front of him. Louis standing in his home was something that he didn’t think would ever occur, and just when he thought he had collected refuge from Mr. Tomlinson.

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