T1-5: In The Astral

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Not knowing if this is a dream or I'm actually in the astral realm. How could this be, shouldn't I beware of it. Am I so stressed that I'm hallucinating in my dreams if that makes sense? 

Thinking about what can cause this wild dream to be happening he started to look around facing away from me. I focus back on the surroundings around me.

"Where do you think they made us meet here." Going through thoughts in his head.

"You mean this is real." I questioned.

"Yes, weren't you mediating? Is this your first time here?" He confusedly asked.

"Umm, not on this type of level. Besides that, we requested help from your country, and I haven't heard back." I glared at him.

"I apologize on the behalf of Wakanda but the reason why I'm here is I have a urgent situation I couldn't put aside." 

Wow I was so busy why didn't bother to care to know what was going on in his country. Even if so, they haven't replied back for me to know.

He started to talk again pulling me out from my thoughts. "Just today I sent out Order of communication so it would be easier for our kingdoms to keep in contact." He gestured.

"Obviously that will have to wait because I don't even know how to get out of here." I sightly said.

"The only way out is when we learned what they have to say." Referring to the ancestors. Speaking of them, they haven't shown up this whole time.

"By now they would appear with knowledge that is helpful with the situation that's going in the living realm." As if he was reading my mind.

"We can walk around to see if something will appear." He quickly asked. "Before you ask, we can't summon them, I tried many times." An annoyed look form on his face from the previous experience with them.

"Great I have all the time in the world." I shouted just in case if they were close by. 

"Sometimes slowly down can really help with making life changing decisions." We started to walk towards a random direction. "As you're a new at this, so much to grasp right?" 

"Yes, it happens all at once and being the female heir made even worse. Some thought I wasn't strong enough to lead or that the line would be tainted and so on." I began to blabber. 

"Well long live the queen." He smiled. 

"That's the only thing you going to say." I laughed

"Yes, didn't think my opinions mattered because my country was not event to your royal ceremonial." He fired back.

"It was rush, long story for another time." I ended that conversation.

"Hope at some point I could hear that story of."  After that we walk slowly in silence.

Been walking for a while and I realized that what if this is just our imagination that we can physically feel. What if our emotions are connected to this place, what if the strongest emotion is the one that might manifest thing you want most will appear.

As I was about to say what is on my mind to the only person here besides me. the ground underneath us starts to change forming into grass and flowers. 

"What's going on?" Frankly looking around the changing landscape.

"I think we're ready for the trial." Pointing to a cave that was cover with vines appear in the distance.

"Couldn't they put it much closer, my feet starting to hurt." He laughs at my annoyance.

"In a time like this that's you're main concern." He shakes his head. 

"I'm going to be tired before this even starts." I say back.

Approaching the entrance of the cave, a sense of warmth engulfs me and its seem that T'challa feels this energy as well.

"We're on the right track." Sensing my confusion of this unknowing feeling.

As we both step in the cave light emerges from flamed torch that pin onto the walls of the cave. Showing us a long tunnel stretching down so far, we can no longer see the torches.

We continued down the tunnel not knowing what we could encounter. A ringing sensation starts to fill up the cave making us halt to cover our ears not knowing what to do we start to call out for ancestors to aid us.

"A white light!" He shrieks. Confused that the sound might be coming from this source of light that was rushing towards us.

We try to turn around realizing we are block in by a wall. How can't we not realize that everything behind us disappeared.  

"What game is this!" I shouted, looking back in the direction of the light became louder the closer it got to the point we're on the floor holding our ears. 

Our bodies froze up and all we could see is white, for me I seen all my family living and dead staring at me dress in all white. I appeared in a body of water; a fish swam towards me circling around me.

It starts to grow in size becoming harsher with it fins, slowly I start to drown from the splashes of water. It's as big as dolphin, when it grabs me by my ankle dragging me down into the water.

Suffocating by the water, I came to a realization that I have to be still like water and know that I have the control while they have the power. I stop panicking and let the creature take me wherever it wants. 

It speeds decreased knowing that it was a test by the water deity to see if my faith is a strong and instill like the property of water.

"Water will be a guide to use in a time of need." A powerful voice boomed in my head. Not feeling the presence of the creature anymore.

My body falls down to the bottom soon to realize the water is gone. opening my eyes to see that I'm in this massive room with glass windows staring out to only see clouds.

It's something I would never imagine before. An older lady in white clothing approach out of thin air.

"Oh my, my I hope this day would never come. At least we have someone cunning like you to bestow these challenges to." She smiles brightly to me.

"Who are you?" Ask without thinking.

"Well, I'm start of this all. I wanted a place where my descendants come for guidance." She gestured to the area where we're occupying, as more I guess my ancestors appeared around me.

"Ah and if you ever need to talk to anyone personally you are free to do so just mediate deeply." This older gentleman with white eyes walks slowly next to her.

"You know more now than before you are prepared, we will be around when you need it." He finishes.

"Can you tell me if my mom is, okay?" If anyone would know it would be them, right?

"It will be a long battle and your mother's a fighter don't worry she'll be fine, focus on the trial." As she starts to fade.

The outside become pitch black, figures around me becomes blurring. "Where's T'Challa?" Before I could get my statement out, I lost consciousness.

"T'Challa!" I scream as I soon realize I was in bed sweat falling down my forehead not knowing what the hell that just happen. The elders have a lot of explaining to do.

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