T1-4: The Trial of The Astral Plane

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The next day is something I'm not looking forward to. A heavy aura sets around the kingdom when word got out that the peoples' newly inducted queen is set to face off the trials that haven't been done in over a century.  So much I have to gather and understand in such a little time how can this be possible, how did the person before did it. 

"EXACTLY!" Shouted out loud only for my ears to hear. I should search up the person that done it before me. That could give so insights on this. 

As I quickly run out the gates of the castle, having my eyes set on the building that holds all of Bahedlo knowledge and history of their people. Opening the door of this historically place, i pause to think if the information I gather will be more beneficial or give me more nightmares to think about at night.

Heading inside going straight to head the head librarian, who knows the ins and outs of the library. 

"Morning, Mr. Brathwaite how's the books doing." Lighthearted chuckle erupted from his chest giving me a smile. "Well, waiting to be hold by someone." He replied. 

Mentally rolling my eyes knowing where this conversation is going. "At least they have each other."  Nodding at the long rows of bookcases filled with books.

"What's the point of life if your purpose is not being used." He smirked.

"What does that..at, you know what just help me find the information about the trials please and thank you." I let that comment slide. Mr. Brathwaite was my private tutor for many years and seen me grow up, knowing that I've always been interested in the topic of love.

"Letting me off easy I see." He laughed "Right this way." Walking around the counter, I follow him down aisle of bookcases. The books on the shelfs look so delicate and fragile, to even look at it might turn to dust.

"Ah, here it is." At the very end he stops and turn to say, " The most useful tool for you is here and ready to be use at its fullest potential." Gesturing to the shelf behind. "I hope this really help, and I wish you best of luck." Genuinely said.

"Thank you, I hope so too."  As I lay my eyes on the book that was my only hope.

"After this finding a man will feel like a breeze." Laughing hard at his own joke. Silence emerges after I intensely look at him. "O...okay, I'll be where I'm at if you need anything." He quickly walks off.  

This will be easier than finding someone that will be able to handle the stress that comes with being in a royal family. I hope the prize is a man, sighing at my comment knowing my previous endeavors of love is something that made me realize this title is a big cockblocker.

Reading the titles on the side of the books giving me a prior knowledge of what they hold. "The Plane, the first trial" I read. Mmmh that's right on the nose, the insight of the first trial. Grabbing the book quickly knowing that time is not on my side. 

Flipping through the pages of the book looking for something that would catch my eye.  a chapter named "The Entry Level" looks promising. As I start reading the chapter I cold chill runs down my body. I paused and looked around there was no window or vent around me. 

Going back to reading the chapter I am grasping the information that I'm basically going be asleep to the point where I could be considered dead. "Transitioning between the two realms is the most difficult to do..." 

After reading a couple of excerpts from the books i thought would be helpful. I gather that I going to be in a realm that I won't be physically there, and I have to vibrate at a certain level to stay and communicate with the spirits that are there.

Stepping out the building after saying my goodbye to Mr. Brathwaite. seeing that it's the afternoon I rush back to the castle to get an update on my missing mother and the others.

The doors open by the guards at each side, walked down the long hallway towards the tracking room. Hesitated as I stop afront of the door worrying about what I would find out.

Pushing the angola black silver flake granite door open, seeing the assign people at their desks typing away. In the center of the room a hologram map of the land is projected seeing pins placed on the last place the missing people was last seen. 

"Ah, Queen...the person I needed to see." A reassuring smile welcomed me in. "We have a update on queen moth..." I quickly interrupted him.

"Tell me. Is she okay? Do you know where she is?" I shouted as I got emotional.

"Well not technically....as of right now we know she's alive cause her energy is still on this plane field." He slowly replied.

Not knowing if I should be happy that I know she's alive and I have chance of finding her or upset that I don't know where she is. This moment I need her the most to lean on.

"Thats a start. Don't until we know where they are and how this monster going through the place like the goddamn phantom. Doing whatever he please." I sternly said.

"Don't worry, I will everything in my power to find your mother and the others and figure out who and what he is." 

"As long as it takes, no breaks until we find a location." Turning around walking straight out the room not giving another glance.

As night approaches, I emerged from the bathroom that's connected to my room. Finishing my nightly routine, I climbed into bed wanting this day to be over. 

Dinner was weird no one was around but my chef, everyone that would usually be walking around this place are nowhere to be found but I can sense their energy. For a second I thought the Heartman cleared house.  

Drooping eyes made me realize that I've been fighting my sleep. Letting sleep envelop me, but something feels different.

I feel different as if I am daydreaming, I feel cold but yet warm. A dot of light appears out of nowhere.

"Where am I?" My voice echoed. Wow is this the astral plane? It can't be, is subconscious trying to tell me something. The light is getting bigger, colors start to pour out of the growing hole as if its water falling out of a faucet. 

"What's up with this light." It's getting too much for me, now covering my eyes avoiding the light that is shining so brightly.

Not knowing what's going due to covering my eyes I felt a presence near turning towards it. Slowly lowering my hand from my face, i met with the most attractive dark brown eyes I've seen.

"You've most be the one I 've been dreaming about." His charming heavy accent caress my ears, the ringing vibration made me feel that I only get when I read erotic stories.

"Can you understand me." Haven't responding to him, just staring at his appearance that's so alluring.

"You dreamt of me." I said more so to myself. 

"The real question is how we are together in the astral plane." He questions because only descendants of the ancestors are allowed to enter the astral plane.

"So, it is the astral plane." I paused. " I thought the trial haven't started." I confusedly said.

"Trial?....Are you Queen of Bahedlo." He asked

"Yes, how do you know?" Looked at him weirdly.

"I guess this is fate." Said to himself.

"I'm T'Challa the King of Wakanda."

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