T1-1: A Mother's Heart

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A cry from a mother is as terrifying as seeing nature emitted destruction.

Recently ascended the throne has been exhausting, more pressure as the face of my kingdom that I'll probably never get used to. Given everything that already on my plate, the disappearance of citizens has come about and the rituals that been left in their place is given me chills. this is not random killer, I don't how but it must be him. Lately the ancestors of this land have been absence in the affairs of the royal court. Only to be heard when the seasons are changing. I can feel them getting weak has the nature no longer can stand the power of humans. Did the barriers of this land has weaken to the point where he has escaped.  

As I stand on the balcony, I feared that the folklore is returning back from the dead or whatever dark hole he was lock in this whole time. The agenda that he has is causing innocence souls to be captured and used for whatever plan he has in stored. It's my duty to stop it at any means necessary.

"My daughter" Hearing my mother Bajan accent rings through my ears, I turn towards her to see her calming face. 

"Don't overthink this, it's has happened generations before. at the time when the ancestor's presence was stronger."  I walk to my mother side to lead her to a chair by the fireplace.

"Mom, children and women are being taken by this disturbed man and we not doing anything to stop it." As disbelief is written across my face as i spoke to her.

"What can we do, when the ancestors were ultimately the ones that cursed him for eternity. Without them is near if not impossible." She said with great pain. 

"That was then. This is now we have more resources to stop him." I turned around to face the dimmed fire. 

"You can't fight ancient power with new age thinking, it doesn't compare." She shook her head at her worried daughter.

How do I come up with a plan when the resources that I have is nowhere to be heard. What way can I track him if all the people that dealt with them is all gone. 

Unless I seek out help from someone that help us before especially in this scenario. 

I emerged from the bathroom and climb into my comfortable king-sized bed, laying there staring at the ceiling. Thinking about those empty spots in my people's life.

Why now, why my reign he wants to come back to inflict chaos and destress. As if I have enough on my mind. 

Will this be in the history book as the worse queen of all time. After leading a battle against my own father due to his greediness and negligence of his own people. Thats a story for another time. 


A piercing scream has broken train of thoughts. I gather my robe and ran to the sound to see my mother chamber maiden on the floor.

"I'm sorry my queen." Blood poured of her wound. Her eyes close while taking her last breath.

"He has taken Queen Mother." Head soldier of my mother quarters said walking into her room.

"How!" I yelled in fear. "Where were you, how can he enter the palace...TELL ME!' I begged.

" As if he appeared in thin air... I don't know lately our barriers was weakened." He spoked clearly.

" And no one detected a foreign energy in our presence." I stood there in shock.

"This is ancient magic that we have no idea how he can possess or can control." he paused

"I have sent soldiers to patrols nearby lands to see if he left any traces behind."

"Inform the council for an emergency meeting." I ordered him.

The ancestors how can they let this happen, NO warning. Do they not care for us anymore. Feeling lost and alone, what will he do to her. I have to do something fast, or I'll lose her for good.

"Roots" A faint sound immerse out of thin air. a relieved rush through me. They are contacting me. 

"What does that mean, how does it help me with this situation right now." Called back. 

"Roots will bring us together...stronger connections.... ones before." Went in and out. What can bring us together. "Who or what can." I became urgent.

"The ones before you." As the whispers fainted leaving me once again with my thoughts.  Pondering over what it could be now I finally understood what they meant. The country that helps us with this situation before.

We have an alliance with for generations but are hard to come in contact with recently on how modern-day world have evolved. I hope I'm going the right way with this. Thats I only thing I can think of right now. 

Walking to the strategy room with so much on my mind right now, not caring that I'm my pajamas. The guards open the door for the generals for different branches of my military stops a stare at my appearance.

"Not every day I will going to be in a tiara and a dress." Rolled my eyes. "So, any updates on my mother." I looked around the room. 

"No, but there's a few spots along the barrier where we think he probably entered." My general of defense spoke up first.

" Thats a start, did we sent the mages to start tracking the energy." I hurried.

"As we speak." The head of mage replied. "We're also tracking the queen mother as well."

"Another thing, Find a communication link with one of our allied countries. May need their help for this problem we have here on our hands." I sighed not knowing if our plead for help will be answered.

"What country are we contacting ma'am." Ministry of Communications wondered.

" Wakanda."  

The Barbadian Queen (T'Challa Udaku)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt