twenty: mine, all mine

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jungkook and taehyung are in a café which is not that far away from taes college, him and his father decided to meet there and right now they're after it. Mr Kim was calling taehyung 3 days ago about a meeting because for about 2 months taehyung before him and jungkook came to agreements was avoiding him and his mother.

and taehyung did talk with him after all but his dad felt that something was different and worriedly suggested a meeting, that's his child and If anything is off he needs to know. taehyung loves his parents more than anything but also never told him about his love problems which cussed his weird behaviour, it was going to be a very interesting meeting.

at the meeting both of them explained the whole situation, Mr Kim finally met his son's boyfriend and jungkook couldn't feel more nervous honestly. the whole 'relationship' thing with taehyung wasn't anything stressful for him anymore and he got used to it just meeting his father and wanting to show his best side as the perfect person for taehyung got him that way.

jungkook was sitting next to taehyung still nervously, they're right now waiting for yoongi and jimin because supposed to meet afterwards. jks one leg was shaking in little stress which was cussed by the whole really nice meeting with his father, the terrible habit of jungkook who doesn't know how to calm down or control himself in such a situations.

"hey" taehyung whispered now putting hand onto jks thigh who looked at him with those bambi eyes "you were listening to me, I mean what I just said?" the elder chuckled with soft gaze at jungkook who run palms through his messy hair "sorry, I got lost in thoughts. can you repeat?" he asked with little still tho nervous smile.

"I was just saying that the whole meeting was so lovely and nice baby, I'm glad you finally met my family besides my sister who is attending your dance classes" taehyung said grabbing jks chin gently "what's wrong? I noticed how tensed you are, talk to me please", jungkook smiled softly at taes caring behaviour. he loves how tae always cares about him and notice little things.

"nothing, It's just I got a little n-nervous because of the meeting your father- DON'T GET ME WRONG! it was so cool- I mean nice to finally meet him but It's just, I never was at meeting where I'm meeting someone's father. definitely not someone who is my boyfriend because you're my first ever, but you know that already" jungkook tried to explain it somehow.

"It's just- feels weird in a good way" jungkook whispered now again meeting taes eyes who pulled him closer by his hips, making jk smile warmly at the adorable action. "you don't have to worry at all, everything what you're doing is perfect unless you are yourself. you were perfect as always, I love you so much sweetheart" taehyung said not hesitating at all in his words, the youngers eyes shine.

taehyung leaned in and kissed jks lips gently who grabbed both of his cheeks to kiss him for longer, oh they way the kiss and it always gets only better feels surreal. suddenly both of them heard jimin's voice who broke their moment "heeeeey!".

jimin and yoongi smiled at the two of them, "hi" taehyung chuckled meanwhile jungkook with a light blush tried to get over his shyness when it comes to taes romantic behaviour. every damn time. their friends sat in front of them, on the other side of the table with already ordered coffees smirking at them thinking that aren't obvious with the cringing 'we all know' looks.

"aren't you ordering something?" yoongi asked meanwhile taking off his jacket "nope, we drunk already a coffee with my dad and have a tea yet so" jungkook answered nicely "ohhhh right! how was the meeting?!" yoongi asked curious with happy smile, he loves the way jungkook got happier and brighter with taehyung so wants to know all the details.

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