nineteen: ride it, uh yeah

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"five, six seven, eight again! one, two..."

jungkook has right now dance classes, after moving to taehyung about 1 month ago he can't imagine better time. he's working and doing what he likes only meanwhile every morning waking up next to taehyung who is simply the sweetest and caring human alive towards him which is so nice to feel such a support.

also right now when he doesn't has to have two jobs he feels way better because is able to sleep in the night finally, and what's the most important he has time to develop his passion, that is what he loves, and himself as well. he really needed it, finally he feels the great weight fall off his shoulders. like his life wasn't such a disaster.

"great! okay, thank you so much for today guys. everyone, you have to practice this choreography in home more because sometimes you're not synchronised" jungkook said and all of his students bended to him "of course, we will. thank you jungkookshi hyung!" one of them said and jungkook with a smile bended to them back.

"gaeul, you have to work on your ranges in the arms and legs" jungkook quickly added and gaeul nodded saying afterwards "I will, thank you" and all of the students started leaving the class, jungkook turned to his bag where his all stuffs are because it's the end of all his classes for today but suddenly heard loud screaming.

"taehyungie came!"

students screamed all happy and throw themselves at taehyung who was approaching the class "hi, how are you all doing sweeties" taehyung said and hugged all of them now sitting onto floor, jungkook was looking at the whole precious scene with huge smile dancing onto his face not even trying to hide how shy he got. taehyung have something what makes his legs melt in a place.

"good! we had as always awesome classes with jungkookshi" gyu answered tiredly making taehyung laugh and pop his nose "and speaking of my jungkookshi loves go change your clothes and give me some time to take care of him too as well, it's already late so let us know If you got to home's safely on a group chat alright?" taehyung asked softy and all of them said in the same time "yes taehyungie!" before running to locker room.

taehyung stand up and came closer to jungkook who with arms crossed and lovely smile never left his eyes, saying "what are you doing here? what about college?", "I ended quicker today. I wanted to pick you up, you want to go out to eat? I thought about that restaurant we went last week" taehyung explained now wrapping arms around jks small waist who put hands onto his chest instead.

"don't you think we are wasting too much money on expensive food. you know that we can cook something too, huh?" jungkook asked teasingly "hey! we made together ramen 2 days ago!" taehyung answered with little pout making the younger roll eyes at him "alright, I'll take my things and we can go" he said before turning around and starting packing.

taehyung was waiting for jungkook meanwhile checking the twitter in his phone and when the younger locked door to the practice room they connected their hands and started leaving the building, for jungkook it's still a little weird to have a boyfriend but at the same time he loves it so much. it feels nice to kiss, hug, hold hands in public finally.

"so how was your day, baby? did you have own practice yet" taehyung asked with a smile " yep, in the morning but I guess I need a partner to one choreography so I need to find someone really quickly" jungkook answered running palms through hair, taehyung smirked "I was waiting for this one-", "I'm talking about some who can actually dance dumbass" jungkook cut him off chuckling.

taehyung pouted "EXCUSE ME? I can dance?! that was mean...", "I know you can but I don't think that you're able to dance my choreographies, they're kind of specific" jungkook giggle looking at how the park looks pretty in the evening "I learn quickly! you can just show me it or something, try at least!" taehyung said now letting go off jks hand just to play offended.

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