Chapter 20, Strike a pose.

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The arrival of the Asgardian armies was preceded by workmen and builders, who rapidly constructed barracks, a large meeting hall and a mead hall.
They resembled the wooden longhouses of old but were made of a material I wasn't familiar with and were constructed with remarkable speed and ease.
With them came the Seeresses, women dressed in long robes and hooded cloaks who, staff in hand, began weaving powerful magic.
Not only did they create protective wards, but they weaved powerful weather magic as well. The temperature around the hold raised to something that was still cold but was far more bearable.
Thor was amongst his own people most of the time, easily recognisable by his sheer size and distinctive armour. Loki was by his side often as not, dressed in his Jotunn armour, unwilling to take a backseat in what was going to be one of the biggest battles any of the realms had seen in centuries.
Soon the first Einherjar started to arrive; dressed in black and golden armour, golden cloaks draped down their backs, and horned helmets crowning their heads.
Each one of them was tall, and beautiful in their own way. It wasn't hard to believe we had once taken to worshipping these impressive warriors, they exuded power and strength.

I was soon introduced to the other two friends that made up the Warriors Three; Volstagg and Hogun.
"How much did you say you..." I corrected myself, "I mean, Beaumont was involved in the casting process of the movies?" I asked Loki suspiciously after having spoken to them.
Loki grinned and winked at me. "What can I say? It's the only good thing he's done since I created him, let him have that at least."
Loki seemed to be in high spirits.
I had thought he would have been more worried and downcast. After all, we still had no idea what the arrival of the Asgardian Armies meant for him personally. I had expected him to have been dragged off to Asgard in chains when the Bifrost became operational, but that had not happened.
Instead, he walked amongst the Einherjar for all the world looking like the prince amongst gods he was, and they treated him accordingly.
When I questioned him about it, Loki just shrugged.
"Old habits die hard, and I am the adopted son of Odin after all. The AllFather banished me, but he never renounced me as his son. By right, I still have my titles and am owed a certain measure of respect and deference.
As for why they have not dragged me off in chains; Odin may see Beaumont as the true Loki, he is the one with my soul after all.
Let us enjoy this while it lasts, shall we? Leave worrying about my trial until the time comes."
That was easier said than done for me. I could not bear the thought of losing the love of my life.
Loki had plenty of distractions during the day, but I knew worrying about what fate awaited him kept him up at night.
We made a habit of sneaking out of the hold every evening until we were far enough away from the others and could practice my shapechanging. First just as wolves, and when Loki was convinced I had the hang of that, we practised flight. Loki's preferred form for that being a raven, mine a barn owl. Together we soared through the night, enjoying every moment we could spend together.
The Einherjar were not the only ones to arrive at the hold, and soon enough there was plenty to distract me as well during the day.

Until we knew where Beaumont and Halja were or until they attacked, there wasn't much to do for the defenders of Midgard but to prepare.
It was decided it would be wise to organise joined training exercises between the Asgardian warriors, the agents of various factions and the group of elite soldiers picked from armies all around the world. It would be a way to get used to each others fighting styles and pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of the combined forces.
Soon, four more camps were set up around Jotunnhold. The beautiful unblemished snow around our home became trampled and muddy and the peace and quiet were well and thoroughly disturbed.
Matt was the one in charge of the Midgardian contingent. He was well-liked within the Secret World, had led similar joined operations between the various factions before, and before he got his Bee he had been a Navy SEAL with the American army. His experience made him perfectly suited for the monumental task he was given.

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