Chapter 7, Home is where the heart is.

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We were in the car on our way back to the Agartha portal. We had just visited Aaron and Lucas, who was getting bigger every time we saw him. As always, Loki had spoiled him rotten.

"I remember when his bedroom was farm animal themed," I grinned. "You can barely see the wallpaper now!"

"You say that as if it's bad a thing. Everyone can use a bit more Loki in their lives," Loki grinned back from behind his sunglasses. It was early spring and the sun was shining bright but low.

"When he gets his teenage rebellious phase he'll replace them all with posters of Superman," I predicted.

"Or even worse, just Clark Kent," Loki laughed.

It was nice to have some time with just the two of us. Loki had been busy with the hold, and I had slowly been getting some jobs from the Templars again.

It was mainly little things, a bit beneath someone with my powers according to Loki even if I never quite saw it that way, but it was obvious they didn't trust us as much as they used to. Thor and I easily dealt with them by ourselves. In all honesty, I didn't even need Thor, but it got him out of the house and gave him a sense of purpose.

"There has been something on my mind recently, and while it is just the two of us this may be a good time to talk," Loki said suddenly.

I wondered if it had something to do with the message Sif had left for Thor, but Loki meant something quite different.

"We've been slowly clearing out the rooms in Jotunnhold. And while we aren't discovering much of interest with regard to what happened there on the day I was born, it is becoming more and more obvious that part of the hold was caved in on purpose.

The hold itself is structurally sound, has its own source of energy and water and while old, the security system is still perfectly functional."

I eyed him curiously, I was wondering where he was going with all this.

"It wouldn't take much to make it habitable."

"Wait what?" I asked in surprise, "habitable by whom?"

"Us," Loki said, "our family."

"You can't be serious..." I hadn't even considered the thought before.

"Oh, but I am. I am very serious." Loki pulled the car over and took off his sunglasses.

"But I love our cottage, I thought you did too..." The thought of having to leave our wonderful little home brought a lump to my throat.

"I do love it, I love it dearly. It is where we shared our first kiss, where I first caught a glimpse of how wonderful life with you and Jessie could be. Where I spent the first night in your arms, and my whole life changed forever. It is where we lived, loved, laughed and cried together. It is where I felt at home for the first time in my life. There is no place in the realms I hold more dear," Loki reassured me.

"Then why would you want us to move to that cold and big tomb in the middle of nowhere?"

"Because we aren't safe at our cottage anymore, I can't keep us all safe there. We are powerful and we are making our mark on this world, and with it comes the attention of powerful enemies, both old and new.

We were lucky our wedding night wasn't interrupted by a Templar SWAT team coming through the windows."

"But we talked to the Templars, it's all okay now!"

"Is it? Is it, truly? Do you trust they won't come after us again the next time we set a foot wrong in their eyes? And it is not just them, darling. We have made some powerful enemies along the way. Halja and her mother Hel, the Phoenicians, to just mention a few. And I have made plenty of enemies in the past who must be aware of our marriage, gossip spreads quickly in the Secret World. And now it is clear that we are without the full backing of the Templars and of Asgard, we might seem easy prey to some."

Sorcha's Secret World, Part 2: Mystery and Mischief.Where stories live. Discover now