Chapter 14, Tupperfrost

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"I'm learning so much from him! And I don't mind working with him at all, he is so smart and funny at the same time. And kind of sweet when you get to know him. I never thought he'd be so nice," Carter admitted.

Loki was out picking up a magic thingymajig for the portals they were working on, and Carter and I had been practising for a while together in the training room. We got to talking, and as so often happened to me, Loki quickly became the topic of conversation.

"You know, when you two started dating and got married I was really surprised. After everything that happened, after the horrible things you'd seen him do, how could you love him?"

We hadn't told anyone else about Beaumont, not even Jessie. So I simply shrugged.

"Because he's a different person now," I answered as honestly as I could.

"Yes, he is," Carter smiled. "And you two are so good together, you are so adorable! You know, one day all this stuff can't be kept a secret anymore, not with the way phones can record video and take pictures so clearly. I'm sure that when the Secret World all comes out in the open they'll make a movie about the two of you, or a TV show!"

"I'm not sure anyone would be interested in seeing me on their screen," I blushed.

"They would! It's such an epic romance, such an amazing tale!" Carter's eyes practically shone at the thought. Sometimes she was as bad as Danny.

"What's your ship name?" She asked.

"I don't know," I admitted, "I don't think we have one."

"You two totally need a ship name, all good couples do!"

I suddenly giggled. "If they turned our story into a TV show people would be shipping Loki and Cedric in no time, and claim I was just a beard!"

"Noooo....!" Carter laughed.

"They'd even have a ship name: 'Bloodfrost'. Can't get more awesome than that!" I laughed.

Carter snorted inelegantly. "They really would, wouldn't they? But surely you'd have a cool ship name too. How about... Sorki? Lokcha?"

We both burst out laughing again.

"That is awful," I laughed.

"Yes, it is! Think you can do better?" Carter challenged me.

"How about... Tupperfrost?" I giggled.

"Oh, that is so awful it's good!"

Carter and were still laughing as Loki walked in, his face dark.

"They didn't have it." He said curtly to Carter.

What are you two laughing about anyway?" He grumbled dourly, obviously not in the best of spirits. His mood had been swinging back and forth ever since his confession about Beaumont, and I was well aware he wasn't sleeping again.

"Your new ship name, Tupperfrost!"

"What?" Loki frowned. "That is asinine, absolutely ludicrous! How did you come up with that?"

"Because I'm as frumpy and as indestructible as Tupperware, and you...." I could see from Loki's face he wasn't in the mood.

Carter wasn't as good at reading him as I was and she continued on: "...and people always end your ship names with -frost because of the Frost Giant thing."

"Yes. Absolutely hilarious. I feel slightly less intelligent for even having listened to that explanation," Loki said dryly.

"And for what it is worth, I veto this. We shall not be known, either now or in the future, as 'Tupperfrost'.

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