Every time she shut her eyes she could see the red paint tainting her walls.

It was her first night back and she should have asked her friends to stay over but Mila and Sophie weren't in town and Ryan would literally flip his shit if she called Liam to stay over with her.

That should not have held her back. Liam was her best friend!

But some part of her knew it would hurt Ryan and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

Pride demanded she put on her big girl pants and tough it out alone but her heart wanted to hear his voice.

Maybe talking to him would calm her down? She wondered.

She considered video calling him but she could not gather enough courage to face him.

What if he did not want to see her face?

Audio calling should do, she thought to herself but chickened out.

How the fuck are people in relationships!

She wanted to tear her hair out in frustration.

She was pacing around her living room, anxious and annoyed.


'I Miss You.'

'I can't sleep.'

She kept typing and discarding text after text.

She was confused.

It was thirty minutes passed two.

It was the middle of the freaking night.

What if he was sleeping?

What if he did not reply back to her?

What if he was with someone else?

A million thoughts ran through her mind but her heart was team Ryan.

"Traitor!" She hissed.

She was tired.

She just wanted to be in his arms and let sleep take over and have his warmth engulf her.

How could she ask him that when she walked out this morning after he practically begged her to stay?

Her feelings for him were a paradox.

She wanted to be as close to him as possible but she also wanted to be as far away as possible.

It was driving her crazy.

"What have you got to lose?" She stood in front of the mirror and asked herself.

"My pride and my dignity!" She threw up her hands in frustration.

"I am talking to my fucking self! Great!" She started pacing again.

"Screw it!" She said to herself.

'I miss you.' She typed and this time gathered all her courage and hit send.

She had sex dreams while sleeping next to him. She moaned his damn name in her sleep. A mere text could not do any more damage than she had already done to her pride. She justified to herself.

He hadn't read it yet.

There was a double tick.

But it wasn't turning blue.

Maybe he was already asleep or maybe he was busy.

Her heart sank at the idea of him with another woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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