No Strings Attached

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Ryan was standing in his office looking over the bachelorette, he had to give her credit, his poolside definitely looked like a unicorn threw up on it.

In the middle of everything colorful there she was, standing in her white crochet crop top, denim shorts and a floral boho kimono full length jacket, looking absolutely in control with her task manager in hand and a wireless in her ear.

The evening sun was bouncing off her auburn hair and he suddenly wished he could run his fingers through them.

His owns thoughts shocked him. He had never wanted to run his fingers through anyone's hair, it was cheesy and intimate and he did not do both.

Nothing which would give his partner the idea of anything long term. All of them knew from the start that there weren't any strings attached, and they did not mind.

Money he thought to himself opens doors where there are none.

He was still looking at her making her way through the party successfully dodging an over excited bridesmaid or two , when a knock on the door made him turn.

"Sir the contract from Bricks and Browns is here, Senior Mr. Whitmore has asked you to go through it and give him a call." Henry stated, carefully placing the contract file on his table.

"Thank you Henry."

Henry still stood there, with no attempt to retreat back to his desk.

He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but standing before Ryan at this moment.

Normally people lingering around after their work was done annoyed Ryan, but not with Henry.

Henry Davies applied for the position of his personal assistant when he was still in his last year of business college, unfortunately for Henry his father passed away before his finals and he had to take up the job full time and drop out of college, fortunately for Ryan because Henry is one of the best assistants he had ever had. He was efficient and hardworking and had this brilliant habit of minding his own business and not butting in where it wasn't required.

And an absolute sweet talker, he helped Ryan lay off a lot of girls in a more polite manner than Ryan would have accomplished.

"Is there anything else Henry?" Ryan inquired.

He saw Henry shift from one foot to the other nervously.

"Ms. Katherine Taylor called." Henry stated.

"Yes, you told me and I asked you to tell her I am not in."

"She called multiple times and then asked me to give you a message." Henry looked more nervous if that was even possible.

"OK, give me the message."

"I would rather not." Henry said while looking down at his shoes.

"Henry, we have done this before, let's get it over with so I can look at those contracts you just got me." Ryan stood with a hand inside his pocket, waiting for Henry to finish being the pigeon.

"Choke on your own dick, asshole."

Ryan suddenly looked murderous.

"I did not say it, she did! And then she called to profusely apologize and beg me to not give you the message." Henry stuttered nervously while taking a few steps back towards the door.

"Flowers and a card,

First thing tomorrow morning Henry."

"Sure, anything specific you want me to write?" Henry asked when he was halfway outside the door.

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